Chapter 8: Suffering In The Darkness

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Left alone in an unfamiliar room, she continues sobbing her heart out... Not knowing someone has been observing from afar.

"What kind of plot is she scheming right now?" he mumbles annoyedly from the scene he is watching.

Aiden Meino Caddel, as the head of the magic tower he has many duties to fulfill. He has to continue working ceaselessly to prevent the magic tower from exploding, thanks to some of his foolish mages.

As of late, he hasn't been focusing on his task, rather he has been focusing on a particular task that the Crow Prince assigned to him. That is to keep an eye on the vile woman that has harmed their precious Crown Princess.

And as of now, he has been observing all her actions (except the private ones) with the use of his magic stone. He manages to implant a magic stone in secret that will follow wherever Errissa will go inside the palace.

This magic stone is one of a kind and one of his recent projects. Yet, it was merely wasted on someone as vile as her.

"Tsk. This is annoying to watch. All she has done up until now is to cry," he said in annoyance, yet he keeps on staring at the scene.

He has been feeling weird whenever he saw her. An unknown emotion has been stirring uneasily inside of him as of late.


Errissa's POV

Days passed by ever so slowly, I haven't been anyplace but here in this spacious room. Lianne hasn't been visiting after that day. I am assuming she maintains a hectic schedule for this week.

Since occupying a room of her own, I obtain this room all for myself. Nia and Lisa have also been assisting me clean and changing my dress every day. I have stopped protesting since they really don't listen anyway.

Although after that, they won't come back until the next day. A different maid was assigned for the delivery of my meals every day. And right now it's time for my dinner... I am not looking forward to my meals. If you want to know, here is why,

"Here is your meal, consume it well!" the maid with short green hair said as she pours the cold soup on my face before dropping down the stale bread on the ground.

"Oops! It slips from my hand. Oh my! Look at the terrible mess you made! You absolutely are the worst!" she exclaims as two other maids began gripping both my arm, as Jean, I've found out about her name the other day... forced open my mouth and feed me the stale bread that is covered with the cold sup that fell from the ground.

They have long removed the carpet of this room from the first 'accident' that happened the second day of my stay here.

"Now, make sure to finish all of it," she then forced the bread on my mouth making me gag.

I try shaking the two that are holding my arms but given how physically weak Errissa's body is compared to how fitted these maids are...

"Cough! Ugh..!" I tried to spit the bread out, but she made me swallow everything.

I haven't even recovered from it when my world sways and I met the cold wooden floor. Then I felt someone drag me by my hair, as I try removing it but a magic circle appeared on both my hands. It turns into a bind, that restricted me from moving my hands.

"Ahhh!!! It burns!" I felt someone pour hot water all over me as I wriggle away from them, but when I move away I was met with a vicious kick on my stomach.

"Just stay still! We are merely cleaning your mess! It wouldn't do you any good to keep on creating more mess!" one of them said as they forcefully removed my dress before pouring hot water all over me.

"Stop!! Stop it! Let go of me!!" I keep on striking them away from me as I desperately try wriggling away.

"I told you to stay still! You B-tch!"

My cheeks sting from the slap that I receive as a magic circle appeared under me binding me from budging even an inch. They even gag me to prevent me from screaming as they continue pouring water all over me before kicking me on my stomach. One of them scrubs my bruised skin painfully that I can feel blood dripping from the wound that has formed.

It hurts!!! It hurts so much!!! I grit my teeth as I glare at them. If only I can...

Once they have done releasing their stress on me, they forcefully made me wear a nightgown without even drying the water on my wounded body. Jean grabs me by my hair once again before throwing me on the cold wooden floor, shivering from all the pain and burns I'd received from them.

It doesn't help that they pour water over the fire in the fireplace making the room temperature drop, before slamming the door shut.


I can't move my sore limbs without suffering the searing burns from the hot water. My tears have already dried out as I just stare blankly at the wall in front of me.

How long... How long am I supposed to patiently accept everything?

Just how bad did Errissa unjustly treat them all to be treated back like this?

Will all this end once her life is... over? Will I be able to go home once... Once I don't exist within this world?

I slowly closed my eyes, taking deep breathes as I try ignoring my body screaming in pain. If only... If only I can use magic like them. Will I be able to escape from this terrible place? Will I be able to fight back against them...?

I... I desperately want to fight back against them. I want to shout I'm not the one they should be mad at. That I am not the Villainess Errissa that made their life miserable...! That I am merely struggling to survive from being thrown into this body...!

That I--! I... I just want to go home! I just want answers to what did I do to deserve this! Just...!

Maybe I can just end this all...

That's right... I should just end this terrible misery. It's not like I would live normally after getting transferred under the Duke's territory. In most cases, I would just receive much worse punishment after ruining his reputation.

I can feel warm tears start trickling down my eyes again, as I curl myself trying to keep my battered body warm. The harsh wind from the wide-open window starts lowering the temperature more.

"T-They r-really l-left the... w-window opens," I stuttered as the cold wind embraces my body.

I can hear my teeth chatter from the way my jaw and body shivers from the harsh cold. I don't think I would last until tomorrow if this continues.

"S-so... c-cold," I barely mutter as I continue ignoring the pain of my body as I crawl my way to grab the blanket from the bed. But since I can barely move, I did not manage to even reach the bedpost when my dizziness took over me.

My world sways as black spots appeared in the corner of my eyes before I collapse there and then on the cold wooden floor of the room.

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