Chapter 61 : Fire And Sacrifice

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Screams soon covered the whole mansion as blood began spilling all over the walls and floors. The sound of their footsteps hurriedly running away from someone echoes throughout the upper floor as the sound of vases breaking soon followed.

"S-Someone save us!" a maid screamed in fear as she clutches her wounded arm. Her clothing is now covered with blood as she tries to run away from the shadow that is following her.

"Help me!!" another scream before her body limps on the floor as blood pools underneath her body.

*Thump! Thump! Thump!*

The sound of a heavy footstep continues following them as they desperately try to save their life.


The sound of another vase falling to the floor made the limping maids flinch as they try reaching the stairwells. They are the only maids left that did not manage to escape the moment the Duke suddenly burst out of his room with a sword in his hand.

It took them by surprise when the Duke suddenly lash out at a servant near his door by stabbing her stomach. The moment the maid's body falls from the floor the flower that is coiled around the Duke's arm seems to grow more along with the marks on his body.

When they saw this, the servants scurried around trying to escape the Duke's rage. They push one another in trying to save their life some ended up being thrown in the direction of the Duke. The once pristine-looking second floor becomes a bloody hallway.

"Your grace please spare us!" another scream before they felt the sharp sword stab their chest before the Duke cuts off their limbs.

The ones that did not manage to run away as fear have already taken control of their body are the first ones to spill their blood.

The knights of the mansion soon began covering the floor where the Duke is doing his killing spree. They did not know why it took them almost half an hour just to reach the second floor of the mansion. When they first heard the scream from the mansion, their body moved on their own and enter the doors of the mansion without hesitation. They even saw the gardeners and some of the servants that were supposed to be working on the stables ended up running with them inside the mansion.

They tried warning them to stay outside yet no words come out of their mouth. They could not even stop their feet from running.

A strange atmosphere welcomes them as soon as they step inside the mansion. Even more so when they run upstairs to reach the second floor. The entire second floor becomes a sudden maze that made them lose their way as they try to find the source of the screaming.

It was already too late when they reached their destination. The red color of the blood was painted starting from the ceiling, all around the walls and the floor of the mansion. Their nose twitched from the stench of blood surrounding them, and their eyes widen in surprise the moment they saw a man standing in the middle of the piled bodies... even more so from how he looked.

Black marks have covered his whole body as his eyes are glowing dangerously. A flower of some sort sprouting in his chest and emitting some kind of dark pollen. He is holding a sword that has been covered by the blood of his victims. When one of them touch the pollen floating in front of them, the sword they were holding fell to the floor with a loud thud. They can no longer feel their arm.

"Your grace! Please get a hold of yourself!" They flinch in surprise the moment they have heard the butler's voice. They did not even notice him standing in front of them.

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