Chapter 102 : Behind The Scenes ̶(̶B̶u̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶K̶i̶n̶g̶d̶o̶m̶)̶

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Rosaline's Pov

Finally! The time has come! I have waited for a long time for this!~

Chaos has finally descended once again on the whole kingdom because of the news of what happened at the Temple. The citizens' hearts have trembled in fear so much that it gave me such a great boost of power! Thanks to that, I finally covered the whole kingdom with my flowers! And now, the kingdom is burning because of my puppets. What a sight to behold!~

Every crook and cranny of the kingdom are now covered with piles of bodies and citizens that are covered with flowers attacking anyone and anything. The smell of blood has also covered the whole kingdom as well as the smell of lavender roses that are caused by the flowers sprouting from their bodies. Even the guards and knights have also been infected by the pores. Now, those who have a strong will to resist the infection are left to defend this useless kingdom. But of course, since she asked me not to infect the 'male leads' I have left them alone.

But that doesn't mean I haven't been focusing my attack to harm them. After all, she only said not to infect them, but that doesn't mean I cannot harm them. Heh!

She is right about something... watching this scene is so satisfactory. They all deserved this because of everything this kingdom has done to us, and to my kind. Errissa gave me full control over how I could destroy this kingdom from within. It's such a shame that I will not be able to do this once we are free from this world. But for now, I will enjoy the show unfolding before me.

The light from the fire of the burning kingdom is such a marvelous sight while the sounds of screams are such joyful and sweet melody to my ears~! What a fantastic show this is!~

"Rosaline..." A familiar meek voice snapped me out of my thoughts, as I let out a sigh before turning around to face her.

I really cannot get used to this kind of situation. The one who once she considered an enemy that must be destroyed at all costs is now a part of this plan of destroying the kingdom. Besides, look at the uncomfortable face she is showing. She constantly flinches from hearing all the screams of the citizens all around us that I have to make a special room for her where she would not be able to see or hear all this chaos!

If only I can corrupt some part of her then she will see this world the way Errissa and I see this place. But... of course, Errissa prevented me from doing that since she wanted to preserve the remaining innocence of her sister. What a fool! She can easily use this sister of hers for a grander part of the plan, but... considering what Errissa told me will happen at the end of this world.

Hmmm... I supposed I should preserve the remaining light energy of Lianne. After all, she will definitely be tainted by the end of this. Heh~!

"Your Highness... no, should I say your majesty? Since your dear husband has become the King? Or is it still your highness? Hmm?" I mean considering that the Queen passed away from poison two days after the coronation of the new King. Since she is the only reason why this kingdom has remained intact despite the way her husband continues fooling around, poisoning her is the only mercy I can give her.

But... that foolish Queen even thanked me even when I told her what would happen if she took that poisoned tea. Perhaps... she must have been feeling tired from everything but she just did not want to show it, huh? Or maybe it's because she already heard about the death of the Saintess which is why she gladly took the poison as well.

I knew something was going on with those two, especially since I once saw them talking secretly in the former Queen's garden while sharing fond looks with each other. Well, it doesn't matter anymore, they are both dead now.

"That doesn't matter right now! Where is my sister? Why is she not here yet? Wasn't she supposed to arrive two days ago? You said so yourself that you had felt their presence entered the kingdom's border!" Geez! This girl sure can shout! I can feel my ears ringing from her voice!

What an impatient one this is! I mean I get she missed her dear sister and all but that doesn't mean she can just yell at me like this! If only Errissa had not warned me about harming her sister then I have already fed her to my plants!

"Will you take a deep breath and relax? She has safely entered the kingdom along with Lael and his knights. While the rest of the knights they have brought along are 'helping' the knights who have resisted the infection."

Errissa must have already ordered them to 'help' those who need their help despite knowing that no one will be able to survive this attack. Everyone and I mean each single one here will die that is also including the knights that Lael has brought along. Poor Lael~! He doesn't even know that those poor knights don't stand a chance against these plants that both Errissa and I created from Sara's power.

"Then, why is she not here yet? Everything has been set and... " she faltered as she clenched her hand.

Tsk! She must have been still thinking about the confused look of his husband when she went beside me during the attack at the palace that happened last week. It was such a fun event that Errissa had prepared for both of us. Seeing that newly crowned King stare at his wife with such confusion and a hint of betrayal is such a sweet dessert for my soul. I can still remember everything that has happened.

"Lia...? W-what is the meaning of this?" the newly crowned king muttered as he gripped the handle of his sword tightly while still staring directly at his wife.

"Alaric... I know everything must be confusing right now but will you put your trust in me one last time?" Lianne's voice trembled after seeing the hurt look in her husband's eyes.

Man... watching that scene feels like I have been dragged into a romantic cliche scene of a novel or something. It was really weird and too cheesy for my liking!

That was also the last conversation with them before I knocked out that prince or king or whatever. Right now, he is in a deep sleep inside one of my pet plants. We don't need his presence for now, not until Errissa shows her face hear instead of hopping around the kingdom while having a romantic date with Lael!

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