Chapter 94 : A Talk Of Marriage

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The sound of her screams echoes in the dark chamber as she lashes out at everything she sees.

"This can't be happening! How could-- how could she manage to break free like that?!" her outburst broke a layer of shields that surrounded the space she is in.

"No... let's think this calmly. This whole world-- I am the only one in control, no matter what happens in the middle of the story... the ending will remain the same. The Villainess will die at the male leads, and the Heroine will choose one male lead for either a happy or bad ending. Nothing can change this. It's a rule that I established."

Her hand grips the scroll she is holding, a scroll containing the signed agreement she has with the Duchess. However, it's not the real soul of the Duchess... But someone who has unexpectedly found a remnant of the Duchess' memory in the modern world.

"I have sacrificed my body to construct this space! This is all mine! Their lives and all their power are mine!"

Her black eyes glowed dangerously as her magic seems to seep out of her body. By sacrificing her body, she had to produce a temporary body in this space... in this world, she has created. Because of it, she no longer can go back to her original body nor she can go back to see her master.

It was a desperate measure, a reckless decision to save the city that sheltered her and to save the master that raise her. Their world, their city... They require a huge amount of energy to continue powering up all the technology and the barrier they created.

A world so far away yet so near...

Glancing around at the small safe space, she has hidden above the kingdom, all the wreckage she has made is scattered around.

"The energy that I gained from this world is enough to power the Blue City. If I failed now... my master would definitely discard my body and used it as a battery to power the shield of the city. Why used my body when I can continue to harvest a large amount of energy in this world?" she mutters before walking towards a huge mirror in the middle of the room.

"I will make certain to destroy all the happy endings that Duchess has created. No one... no will receive a happy ending as long as I am here."

A flash of lightning ensued before the sound of thunder echoes.

"And you readers... all of you observing or reading this scene. I wonder... can you all predict what kind of ending this story will have?" a smirk appears on her lips as she stares at a white void that seems to appear before her.




The death of the cardinal happened so fast and in a blink of an eye. I have finished packing everything I needed for the journey. I have already sent a letter to Rose and a letter to Lael informing them of my journey.

Though by now, Lael has already long prepared my room and a set schedule of where to visit. I can't even imagine what kind of welcoming ceremony will greet me once I arrived in the palace.

The cardinal's death seems to spark confusion among the citizens who still believe in him. And it caused some serious riot between those who still believe in him and the one who loathes him for what he has done.

Well... none of that is my business. Besides, the one that is inciting all those troubles is none other than Rosaline. I am allowing her to cause chaos within the capital while the guild members are slowly inciting trouble all around the territories outside the capital.

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