Chapter 80 : I Am...

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"Alright..." she heaved a sigh of relief as she places her hand above mine.

A sparkle of light seems to ignite the moment our hands have touched one another as something, warm, seems to seep into my skin.

Her figure slowly starts disappearing the more I absorb her. As the last of her lights gradually fades away, a small smile forms on her lips as a small tear escapes her eyes.

"Good luck," she softly whispers before I absorb the last of her mana.

"Thank you... for everything," I mumble before immense dizziness took over me as I sway and tumble on the wooden floor.


My body feels feverish as I kneel on the floor while breathing heavily. I try my best to stand up and yet, darkness has devoured me unknowingly.




I can feel myself floating... through this somewhat endless darkness that has consumed me whole.

What is this feeling I am feeling right now? Where am I even?

I gradually open my eyes only to see myself floating in this deep darkness. My body feels lighter than usual, as I casually observe my surrounding.

Slowly, orbs of light that seem to be coming from below me start to float and surround me.

With each orb, I can somewhat feel something familiar towards them. I can also hear some familiar voices speaking within them.

The moment a small orb of light floats towards me, I touch it. And when I did... a familiar scene seems to start playing in front of me.

"Papa! Look what I have made! Isn't this pretty?" a more miniature version of me cheerfully asks the man I called father while holding a flower crown.

The scenery in front of me... ah? Yes! I remember now! It was the day he finally allowed me to be out of my room. No... more like, the day I finally escaped from my prison room.

The very same day he first became violent against me. It was a week after I had woken up from my coma.

As expected he was looking at me with such hatred even back then, and yet I never noticed. I was too blinded. Too blinded by the love I felt for this man, that have became my father.

Just merely thinking about it is making me shiver in disgust.

"Did I not tell you not to leave your room! What are you doing here!?"

The cheerful smile the younger me had back then turned into horror the moment his hand struck my face. The sound of his slap echoes in that garden. All the cheerful voices around us seem to vanish as the smiling figures all turn away in pity.

What a bunch of hypocrites!

Now I remember why I have agreed to burn that place, it's because of this! And all those times they have hurt us!

I turn my back on that memory as I glanced around the remaining orbs.

"I don't want to rewatch all those unpleasant memories again! Take me to where I created this plan!" I uttered these words aloud, as a glowing orb floated toward me.


I can feel it... inside this orb is the raging anger that I have felt long, long ago. The desire to get revenge and to destroy everything. Ah! This is the right orb I am seeking. The one that will set the pieces together!

The Heroine's Little SisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz