Chapter 12 : A New Home?

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My feet are in pain! How long are we going to explore this house?!

We have now reached the third floor of this place, and my feet are now sore from walking this far. I think this is the most walk I have done so far.

"This is the room that you will temporarily use while staying here, young miss," Butler Thoma said as soon as we stop in a simple pristine white door compared to the other doors we passed by.

Ah! Finally! I can remove these shoes once I'm inside!

Unlocking the door with a key, he pushed it open to reveal a relatively cramped room compared to the room I used back in the palace. It has a simple single-sized bed, with a white mattress, two white pillows, and a white blanket. Well, they are going to make the one in charge of the laundry suffer from using white color.

Right beside the bed is a standard beige nightstand with three cabinets, a small lamp that is being powered by a magic crystal. What I've acquires from living here for... was it almost a month by now? I wasn't really counting, to be honest. Is that everything here is mostly being powered by magic crystals and hydropower generations that are being supervised by the magic tower... since they are the ones that have invented it.

A small brown cabinet is standing in the corner, a small fireplace is placed on the opposite side of the bed, and one window with a white curtain. This place is much more simple and quiet compared to the one I've used. I walk towards the window and peek to see what kind of view I would see outside.

"It's just rows and rows of trees..." I mutter as the frosty wind blew past me.

"That is the Treheller Forest. It's under the territory of the Redmond Dukedom since the foundation of the Empire." Butler Thoma explain as he went beside me and observes the silent forest.

The towering sturdy trees stretched as far as I can see. I wonder how big is this territory.

"I apologized if the room is too small, young miss. I will try my best to serve you," he said as he bows his head to me.

"A-ah! You don't have to! This much is fine for someone like me," I said as I try stopping him from bowing but the restraint on my wrist is preventing me from doing so.

He notices it as he glances at the knights who are observing the room.

"Then, I should get going now. If you require anything, don't hesitate to ask for me," he said with a smile as one of the knights loosen the chain in my wrist.

"T-thank you..." I respond to him as I caress the red mark on my wrist.

The two knights follow, leaving the room once they made certain nothing is concealed in the room.

"Finally..." I utter as I let out a sigh of relief.

Glancing around the room makes me feel a bit more... comfortable? I don't know but, the simplicity of this causes me to feel more relaxed compared to the luxurious room back in the palace.

I sat down on the windowsill as I lean on the wall, observing how the leaves and branches sway from the cold breeze.

If I have to stay like this for a long while... Then, I would like it if my time goes by quietly like this. Or maybe... If I can have a chance to be exiled from this Empire, I will find a place similar to this. A modest secluded house surrounded by trees where no one can find me.


A knock on the door woke me up as I fell on the wooden floor.

"Ouch! What-- where am I?" I mutter as I glance around.

Oh! Right... did I fall asleep by the window? No wonder my arm feels numb from the cold.

*Knock! Knock!*

The sound of someone knocking made me stand up as I made my way in front of the door.

Should I open it? Or should I merely answer?

"Y-yes?" I decided to answer first.

"I have your meal, young miss," the familiar sound of Butler Thoma's voice answered for the other side.

"O-oh! Umm... should I open the door?" I hesitantly ask as I stare at the doorknob.

I heard a light chuckle on the other side before he clears his throat, "Can I enter the room, young miss?"

I felt my cheeks heated up from hearing his answer as I step back from the door.

"Y-yes!" I squeak in embarrassment as the door opens.

Butler Thoma enters with a food tray in his hand and a tender smile on his lips.

"Good evening, young miss. I will prepare your meal now," he said as he placed the tray above the small wooden table.

He pulls a chair for me as I sat down before he opens the metal cover revealing a delicious aroma. The food in front of me is a simple dinner, with warm chicken soup and stuffed baked potato.

"Woah... this smells so good," I commented as I stare at the food with my eyes twinkling in excitement.

I think this is the first time I've gotten excited about seeing a meal. I usually just forced myself to eat for the sake of surviving without any care for the food. Yet, just seeing this meal makes me feel warm on the inside. This feels different than the other meals I had.

"I apologize for providing you a simple meal. His grace has... well, I will make sure to prepare you a more delicious one than this," he said as he places a napkin on my lap.

Ah... given by his words, that would mean that the Duke has cut off my meals.

"it's okay! I -- I actually like this! So it's okay if the meal is simple! I actually preferred it so..." Oh no! I think I have talked too much.

"Then, if that is what the young miss wants then, I would make sure to keep your meal simple. Then, I will take my leave now, please enjoy your meal," he said before bestowing a fatherly smile on me.

Once the door shut closed, I pick up the spoon and began eating my meal. For the first time ever since I became Errissa, I finally found a meal that I've enjoyed eating.

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