Chapter 91 : Closure

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"Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you."
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón,

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And I was right...

The moment I turned my head to examine the scene behind me... that is when I saw the duke pierce his sword on my mother's chest. All while a cruel smirk is displayed on his lips, as his eyes turn cold.

So much for his undying love for her...

That man... is so incredibly twisted and greedy. How can he display a face full of love, while possessing a greedy heart at the same time? I know the reason why he killed her. It's because even back then, all he desires was to get the core of a light mage user. And because I was selected as the next saintess, he must have thought that I will grow much more powerful than my own mother. Well... he is right. Cause I did grow much more powerful than her, in more ways than one.

"As expected..." I mumble as I stare at the blood dripping from my mother's mouth.

Her eyes are screaming she wasn't expecting this from her husband, whom she dearly loved. But that is what she gets for marrying a greedy husband. Nevertheless, I still haven't figured out the reason why she chooses him out of everyone. I heard from Auntie that even when they are just kids, my mother retains a unique mind... almost as if she always perceived what would happen in the future. But of course, this is just my speculation and not the truth.

"R-rissa..." I heard Lianne mumble as she grasps my hand. Her hand has turned cold, and it's shaking so much because of what we are witnessing. It must be a gruesome and terrifying scene for her. As for me, I'm used to witnessing this kind of scene now.

I was about to shift my attention to her when my eyes encounter my mother's wide eyes. I can see recognition appear in her eyes as she mouthed words to me.

'This is...'

I took a deep breath as I direct my attention to Lia, who is still shaking in fear.

The Duchess... no, my mother. She has seen us watching this scene even back then. That would only mean... everything that has happened was meant to happen, right? Or maybe she doesn't know the exact future as to why we appear to her during that situation?


"Let us go back, sister. I fully understand everything now," I softly spoke to her as I slowly wrap my arm around her.

I can feel my heart twisting in pain as I try to fight back my own tears. All this time I was wrong... I was too blinded by everything to even see the truth.

"I-i'm s-sorry...! It's my f-fault!" my sister cried out as she clings to me.

No, sister. It's our fault that we became the way we are today. It's our fault for trying to cling to the chance that our father may love us back. It's our fault for trying to please him that we ended up fighting with one another. We both became foolish. As much as I despised our father... deep within me, I also tried to cling to him, on the slight chance that he may show me some of his love. But now...

"I forgive you. I forgive you, sister. It's not your fault that everything became a mess. None of this is our fault... Come on, we still have a chance to set things right. Let us go back," I whisper to her ear, as I felt her shoulder begin trembling.

Her tears began soaking my shoulder as the light blinded our sight.

I simply cannot say to her that it's both our fault that we became divided against one another. I supposed it was more accurate than I was the one who kept pushing her away.

The Heroine's Little SisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz