Chapter 28 : His Memory

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Flowing wavy red hair, brilliant golden eyes, pointy nose, and rosy thin lips. A picture of elegance and class, the former Duchess of the Redmond Duchy... Duchess Lianna.

"Am I really allowed in this room?"

We are currently in a room where they preserve all the things that the former Duchess owns. Since no one can enter the Duchess's room, they made a different room to store all her things.

"Of course, after all, you are still part of this family."

"Am I?"

I turn to face him, a hurt look crossing his face. Why do you always have that look whenever I mention my standing in this family? When you didn't do anything to prevent all of this from happening?

Why didn't you just become a good older brother to Errissa before? Then maybe... maybe I would not be here. I would not have to experience all of those things.

I... hate it.


I turn my back on him as I take a deep breath. Forget it... what happened has already happened. All I need to do now is obtain more clues about the Duchess, maybe she has hidden more clues in that room. That is why I receive the key for it. But the problem is...


My whole body starts shaking the moment I felt his arms wrap around me.

His arms wrap around me...


"N-no!" I push him away as I cover my ears and close my eyes.

"Errissa?! Is there something wrong?"

N-no! Don't come any closer! Stop!! PLEASE STOP!!!

His hand! His hand will get me!! I HATE IT!! I hate this!!!

"AHHH!! STOP!" I shouted as I curl up on my knees while shielding my face.


You are mine.

Go away!

I will never leave your side, my dear Ori.

I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I--!

"Shh... everything is fine. I will not hurt you... there is nothing to be afraid of," t-this voice! It's different from the one in my head.

Opening my teary eyes, I gradually remove my hand from my face before glancing upwards. There I recognize a pair of golden eyes just like mine, and not that disgusting black eyes.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

"H-hic! B-brother!" I sob as I allow myself to be pulled into his warm hug.

Despite my body screaming to pull away, I took a deep breath and try to prevent these thoughts from resurfacing.

It's fine... He is my brother... He is not him.

"Shh... I am here. You are safe here, my dear sister. Whatever that is troubling you, I will make them go away."

He whispers ever so gently, even his touch is ever so delicate. Like he was afraid I will break under his grip. And maybe I will...

...can I really trust them? Should I trust them, just like how I trust Sara?


The light in his office has been out for a while now, yet he cared none. The warm light from the fireplace is illuminating his face, as he recalls the events that have happened earlier.

"Jin, are you there?" his deep voice said as he stares at the shadow in the corner.

A hooded figure seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He kneels in front of the man, before lowering his head.

"I need you to investigate what happened to my sister before she was discovered in that place. Something clearly changed from within her, I need to know what exactly."

He orders as the hooded figure lifts up his face, "Understood. If I may?"

"What is it?"

"The young lady's mana has changed. Or should I say, her original mana has returned to what it was before that accident?"

Rubian raises his left eyebrow from what he has heard. The memories of the past came rushing back to him. After the carriage accident that have happen when his little sister was just a young child, the moment she has woken up from the two weeks that she remained unconscious. Her aura has changed.

Yet, no matter how skilled the doctors that they hired to see what is wrong with her mana, no one could have produced any result. It doesn't help that... their mother has disappeared from where the accident happened. Not even her body was discovered. Though... his father was supposed to have followed them. He only arrived home holding Errissa in his arms... yet he remembers seeing a hatred emotion within his eyes.

If only he knew something was wrong that day... no, if only he trusted his gut that something terrible will happen if he let them go. Then, things would have probably won't turn out like this.

The once cheerful and innocent younger sister he had, turn into someone mischievous and he hate to say it but... She turns into a more wicked version of herself.

When they tried to confront her about all her actions and behavior, he... became under her control. He can still feel it, her mana flowing inside of him... Dominating and manipulating his thoughts.

It was a good thing that he was selected by the King to be sent with the Princess to study in another kingdom. From the moment he was sent there, he manages to slowly free himself under her mana's manipulation.

When he realizes all the things, he did to Lianne, all the harsh words he said to her, and how he humiliated her all because Errissa's influenced him... he can feel his stomach twisting.

Yet, he can't even hate Errissa. After all, no matter what happen she is still her youngest sister.

Three years later, a letter arrived addressed to him explaining the events that are happening in the capital. It turns out that during the time he spent studying and training... his sisters have been busying themselves differently.

The harassment that Lianne receives was written in great detail and he felt his world crash down on his shoulders... when he found out who is the one behind everything. The one who has been harassing Lianne is... Errissa.

The more he tried to ignore how urgent he needed to go back to help his family, the more he has put them in danger. And he hated himself for it. He hated how Errissa had turned into a criminal because he was a coward. He was a coward for not trying to stand up to her after he had freed himself from her influence.

He hated how... he can't do anything to help her. How he let her become a villainess.

But now, something has changed. Her mana has returned to what it was before. Her aura is now clear and vibrant, unlike how it was so dark and full of hatred.

Now... now, he felt like he has found his sister.

"Yes... her aura has become clear. Though I don't understand why is her mana locked away inside her. I have to consult Meino about this," he responds.

If there is one that can help him understand more about magic then it was Meino. Since he is now the head of the magic tower.

"Should I send a request to the magic tower?"

"There is no need. I am sure he will be more than happy to spend some time away from the tower."

'Don't worry, Rissa. I will fulfill my duty as your brother and protect you from now on. Even if it means I have to fight our father for the title.'


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