Chapter 96 : The Acker Kingdom

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Errissa's Pov

"Welcome to Acker kingdom, Lady Errisa."

The moment I step outside the carriage door, my feet almost slip from the ground as my eyes widen in surprise at what greets me.

Why are the King and Queen out here to personally receive me???

Shouldn't I be the one to greet them at the throne room and not the other way around??

Her Majesty the Queen walks towards me before pulling me into a hug. I can note the resemblance between Lael and her majesty now that I have met her so close like this. It seems Lael got his eye from her. The sparkle of their eyes is too similar.

But... Am I dreaming?? Is this a dream?? Was I still sleeping in the inn that we reserved?

"Welcome home my dear daughter-in-law-- I mean lady Errissa! I have heard so much about you. I'm so delighted to finally meet you in person," The Queen's tone is as gentle as the way she holds me in her arms.

Hahaha... Did I start hearing things?? Did she just call me her daughter in law?? Or was this an effect of being tired? Maybe I'm just extremely tired that I start hearing things??

"I-it's a pleasure to meet you too, your majesty," is the only thing I manage to say from all this confusion as I shift my attention to Lael, who is standing beside the King. I really underestimated Lael, I did not anticipate this kind of confusion he will incite.

My words were caught in my throat, the moment, my eyes met his. It's been so long since I last met him and now that he is here standing in front of me. Just the way he is glancing at me with such longing is filling my stomach with butterflies.

"Your Highness..." I mumble as Lael slowly made his way towards me.

I can see the way his eyes shone in delight as a soft smile formed on his lips. I think my heart just skips a beat from that smile.

"My lady..." I heard him mumble before he pulls me into his arms.

"I miss you so much... You have no idea how worried I am," he mumbles as his scent filled my nose.

I lean on his touch almost immediately as he caresses my hair. I can feel the tension on my shoulders disappear as I grip his clothes. This is the most relaxed I have ever felt since I decided to do this whole play. Honestly... I just miss him so much.

But I stop myself from answering him back as I recover my senses. I was supposed to suffer memory loss! That means I should not possess any memory of encountering him!

Gosh! His hug took me by surprise that I have forgotten my current situation!

I am certain my actions will lead him to confusion much as how his actions are leading me into one. But for now... I need to act on the part, especially since the entourage that Alaric has assigned to me is still watching.

"I, um... Y-your highness? C-can you let go of me?" I felt him flinch once he heard my words. I can already imagine the hurt look on his face the moment I utter those words. He is definitely looking like a lost puppy right now.

"My lady... Rissa, Are you still mad at me? Is that why you are speaking so formally against me?" he asks as I look up only to see him staring at me with his mesmerizing eyes. I almost drool from how attractive he is right now. But of course, I manage to stop myself from doing such an embarrassing act.

T-this is so hard! With how close he is to me, and the way he is staring at me... my heart is palpitating so much that I am sure he has heard it already. But then again... this is not the first time we have gotten so close to each other. After all, there were those times when I used to cuddle with him every night just to get some good night's sleep.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry if I have done something to upset you. So please talk comfortably with me, okay?"

The tone of voice he uses, and the way he is staring at me reminds me of a lost cute puppy, begging for attention. Gosh! How can he be so handsome and adorable at the same time?! I mean, I supposed it's only natural given how much of a beauty is the Queen and how handsome the King is.

I can only imagine, that if in the future we were to have a child, he or she will be such a popular kid because of her or his winning genes. I mean...


I think my heart just skips a beat. And I am certain my face is currently flush because of my thoughts. Though... Why is it that I can overhear someone fangirling in the background? Is it just my imagination??

I shift my attention to the maids and servants waiting behind the King and Queen. All their faces are flushed as they continue to giggle with excitement the more they observe us. Oh gosh... so they are the ones I have been hearing!

I can feel my cheeks turning even more red as I realize just how much attention we are gathering right now. How can I get out of this situation?? Not that I want to get out of his arms. It is pretty comfortable being this close to him.

As I was just contemplating how to deal with this situation when the captain of the knights escorting me stepped forward. Ah! I remember him. He is the older brother of one of the knights that were guarding me back at the Redmond Mansion. Even by looking at his face, I can note the resemblance between the two.

"Greetings to his majesty the King and her majesty the Queen. Greetings to his highness, the crown prince. I am the captain of the knights from the Alinac kingdom, please call me Roveric. I apologize for speaking out of turn but I must explain the situation regarding Lady Errissa," he spoke in such a courteous manner as he lowers his head in front of them.

"What kind of situation?" His Majesty the King, who has been silently watching from the sideline since earlier, is the one who spoke.

"Lady Errissa is currently suffering from memory loss," Captain Roverick simply answers. Alaric must have informed him to explain my situation to them.

I must say, I applaud his courage for speaking without such fear in front of them. Especially, since he wasn't really given permission to speak first.

"Memory loss?" I can feel Lael's hand tremble from what he has heard.

Oh dear... he will surely blame it on Alaric and the others as he starts planning how to destroy the said kingdom. I can already see the gear in his head constructing altered plans of revolt. He truly never changed despite knowing what kind of outcome this will have.

For Everyone wondering, where was Lael during our original time? As Aiden was rampaging in his dragon form, Lael was actually commanding his army as he wages war against the Alinac Kingdom. I am certain that the kingdom was completely wrecked during our original time. I don't even know if anyone has managed to survive back then. Especially with Aiden's uncontrollable rampage.

I squeeze the hand that is holding mine as I bestowed him a soft smile. He has also suffered a lot during all our lives that we have lived. Now that I think of it... I was looking for him the moment I was reborn in the modern world. I was searching for a trace of him in that place. That maybe he was also reborn just like I am. Yet I have forgotten whether or not I manage to find him.

And as much as I want to see the Alinac kingdom burning, now is not the time. Rosalyn is still not finished sowing all the seeds we will need. So I better pacify him for now.

"I see that is the case then... Thank you for informing us, Captain," The King simply answered as he offered the captain a nod.

"Well, let us all enter the place first before discussing the current situation. Shall we?"

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