Chapter 23 : Oriana Agnor

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Unknown's POV

This is annoying...

How long must I endure all of this humiliation before master will allow me to be free?

"I lost sight of her. I can't believe she managed to teleport us all the way to the south."

Glancing at my surroundings looks like I got thrown in the middle of a den. The stinking smell of blood lingers in the air as I can see a pair of eyes watching my every move.

"Well, ain't this a perfect place to release some tension? Once I'm done here, I will make sure to find my dear lady."


"This is Oriana. She will start working here today. Make sure to make her feel welcome," Silver introduced me to the servants of the Wandallyn residence, specifically to the ones assigned under him.

"Hello, my name is Oriana. It's a pleasure to meet you all," I greeted them with a smile on my lips.

It's been two days since we arrived here inside the Archduchy. During those days, he brought me clothes and all the necessities I need. We temporarily stay inside an inn, where he told me all the things I needed to learn.

"Pardon me, my lord... but may I ask where the young miss came from?" the head maid asks as she eyes me from head to toe.

"She came from the house Agnor. Make sure to treat her well," he simply stated that made me confused.

House Agnor? Why is that name familiar to me?

Oh, wait! Wasn't it one of the houses that are currently supporting him?

There are actually houses that are against him being the heir as the next Archduke.

"Then, Jia, you will be in charge of Ori from now on. Show her everything she needs to learn. And meet me later once you have finished touring," he stated before he left.

Ori is the nickname he has been calling me for the past two days we are together. I cannot believe he can act so casually after everything that has happened.

"I will be in your care from now on," I said before I bow my head.

"My name is Jia. It's a pleasure to meet you." a maid with short black hair and deep blue eyes introduced herself with a smile, as she offers her hand to me.

"It's nice to meet you too, Jia."

"Hmph... Jia makes sure she will not make a mess here. The rest of you go back to your work!" The head maid said as she glares at me before walking away.

"Don't worry about her, she is just jealous that the lord is being kind to you," Jia whispers to me as we watch the others go back to what they were doing.

"Oh, right! How about I show you first where you will be staying? After that I will tell you your schedule and everything you need to do for Lord Silver," Jia said as she grabs my hand and made me follow her.

Jia's energy reminds me of Sara's. Sara... I wonder where you are right now?


"Did you hear? I heard the capital is currently in turmoil."

"What? Did something happen?"

"I heard that an assassin had tried to kill Duke Redmond and have kidnapped his youngest daughter!"

"What? But isn't the youngest... that villainess?"

I stop in my tracks after hearing what they are talking about. I was on my way to grab Silver... I mean Lord Silver's lunch from the kitchen. He was going to eat lunch in the garden, instead of inside the dining room. But before I can even enter the kitchen, I heard the kitchen staff talking about the events that is happening in the capital.

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