Chapter Three ☽︎ Fake Euphoria

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"All families have their secrets, most people would never know them, but they know there are spaces, gaps where the answers should be, where someone should have sat, where someone used to be. A name that is never uttered, or uttered just once and never again. We all have our secrets."
-- Unknown


EVERYONE HAS MOMENTS when they wake up early in the morning, and they just want to stare into space, and think about nothing. To embrace that lucid feeling of just waking up, a moment of intense gratefulness, that you are safe and at home with your family.

In my case, I dread every morning. If I could choose to sleep forever, I would. But I can't do that. Because I am Kimberly Summers, daughter of Former Hockey Player and Multi - Award Winning Actress, Hank and Claire Summers. So as my mother will say, I have a duty to represent my family, in every movie, every series, every fucking interview, even if the host is a sexist.

I sigh as I turn to look at my celebrity boyfriend, Tony, who I've dated for almost a year now. He stirs in his sleep, and I take that as my cue to leave.

"Come back to bed baby," Tony groans into my ear as I attempt to get out of bed.

"I need to shower," I answer, literally struggling to get out of his grip.

"Let's shower together," he groans again. His eyes flutter open, and for a split second, I expect to see a pair of grey eyes, but then I see a pair of brown. I swallow my disappointment as I stare into them, hoping to see more, but I don't, I just see a distorted version of myself.

"I need a little privacy, Tony," I say, my voice coming out harder than I intended. His jaw hardens and he lets go of me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way," I apologize immediately, another part of me silently asking myself why I just did that.

"I'll go to the bathroom," I say, getting my phone and walking away.

My phone beeps as I shut the bathroom door. I glance at my screen to find a text from Liz. A picture of baby Junior and a text underneath it.

Liz♡ - when are we going to see you again?

I smile at the text, typing a reply,

Me - Hopefully soon, I've got a lot, you know how Mom is.....

Liz♡ - Hope you get out of her grip soon.

A pained smile tugs my lips as I read the text. Liz was the child of our former nanny where Jason and I were really little. I remember being a child and all of a sudden I didn't see our nanny again. And then a few years passed, and Dad showed up with a really cute little girl, saying he had adopted her. I remember hearing my parents yelling at each other that night, something about their status in the entertainment world and all that. Even though Mom will never admit it, there were times I saw that she cared about Liz, but all that care was shadowed by anger.

Liz is now the CEO of a beauty brand, married to the NHL's highest paid Captain, and the mother of a beautiful baby boy. She broke free.

I lay my phone on the sink, and I get into the tub for a warm bath. When I'm back to my bedroom, I see Tony with a grin on his face.

"Your mother's waiting for you downstairs," He says, and then he walks to me, kisses my forehead before he heads in the direction of the bathroom.

I quickly take off my bathrobe, tossing a royal blue dress on as I head downstairs to see my mother.

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