Chapter Twenty-Six ☽︎ I Needed To Break Your Heart

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WE'VE BEEN SCARED to touch each other since the night we decided to make Saturday our day of confession

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WE'VE BEEN SCARED to touch each other since the night we decided to make Saturday our day of confession. We've only touched on set, where we are Brandon and Ivory, two lovers that never ever stopped loving each other, and will never be apart again. And after that, we return to our daily routine of trying to be friends even though we both know it's a lie, a big lie. I hate this, I hate not being able to touch him, but after what happened the night we decided, the way his hands trembled and his lips fumbled when he kissed me, I can't help but wonder what could be so bad that we might never have a chance. We're almost wrapping up, and I'm excited. Lee's excited too, he's excited to go back to hockey in the new season and I'm excited to be able to attend fashion shows and photoshoots. Neil's excited too, he's no longer terrified that Lee and I might ruin this whole production process. If anything, I'd say he's rooting for us, which is almost terrifying.

Deena still hates my guts, even though we have to play best friends on camera. And honestly, I don't really have the strength to put up with her negative energy so I just ignore her. The other cast members have been super cool nonetheless, and we usually get together after a long tiring day, to swim and play pool and chill. It's been a fun experience. We have a few scenes left to fill and we're excited to be done and also sad that we're all going to move on and work on something else.

It's Saturday. And my eyes flutter open to meet golden brown hair and inked skin. My heart thunders at the thought of the confessions today, but I still find myself touching his hair and caressing his face. His eyes flutter open and his grey eyes pin me with a cute sleepy look.

"Morning," he half yawns and I can't fight the giggle that escapes me. "Like what you see?" He teases and I attempt to withdraw my hand from his face, embarrassment causing a flush on my cheeks. Lee stops me before I can, kissing my palm and knuckles. A slight shiver runs down my spine.

"We need to head to Milan for the Concerto stuff," I breathe and his eyes blink up at me.

"Concerto, right," he squeezes his eyes shut as he rises to his feet and heads for his hotel room.

The moment he steps out, my eyes burn, with tears threatening to stream down my entire face. He's usually showered in my bathroom, but today he's showering in his, he's also moved some of his stuff back to his room. Does that mean he's completely lost hope in us? Because I haven't.

It takes us a complete hour and half to get ready and head to the airport. This goes completely out of the context of our contract, but then again it's just today, we'll be back tomorrow. I catch Lee staring at me a couple of times on the drive to the airport, but he looks away immediately, making my heart hurt so much. The tears once again threaten to betray me, but I fight them. I was stupid to think I was ready for this, I hope I get the time to talk to Doctor Harley before the Concerto starts; or Liz, or Sam, or Jason. God, I'm such a mess.

☽︎ ☽︎ ☽︎

Milan is a beautiful city, known for being the global capital of industrial design, fashion, architecture and the almighty Porta Nuova in the north-east. Tour guides and tourists swarm the airport and of course, people taking selfies and pictures. Lee's eyes brighten as he takes in our new surroundings, our eyes meet and we share a glance. And then he surprises me, walking towards me while the attendants carry out suitcases away to our designated hotel.

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