Chapter Twenty-One ☽︎ Old Memories Slapping Us In The Face

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"Alright everyone take five," Neil yells and exhausted noises fill the room. We've been shooting all day. I'm at the point where I want to ask Kim how she puts up with this for every movie she's in.

I'm not going to lie, it's not as easy as it looks. I've missed six of my lines and I'm convinced that I might fuck this up. Kim's helping me as much as she can, her eyes light up whenever I'm on and she's not, it's the same way she'd look at me in the rink back then, hope and light in those blue eyes.

I for one, I'm really glad we're taking fucking five, so I make my way to the restrooms, feeling Kim's piercing gaze on my back as I walk away.

Yesterday was fucking crazy. I chose to lie on her thighs while we watched The Originals, and she muttered something about Klaus having a beautiful accent, which made me a tad bit jealous— for no fucking reason of course. And then as the episode progressed, I could hear nothing but the steady sound of her breathing, and the steady movement of her chest and warm–as–fuck skin. So I turned off The Originals, making a mental note to continue it, and then I scooped her up and laid her gently on her bed. I think there's a saying that goes that you can only deceive the mind, but not the body. Because the moment I got her in bed, I couldn't leave; it felt like I was fucking programmed not to. So I laid there, watching her sleep, until I, too, fell asleep.

I woke up to find two bright blue eyes staring at me, and two legs entwined with mine. I swear to fucking Christ, I almost kissed her, but then her attention was fixed on the very obvious bulge in my shorts. Morning wood, as I'd call it in college, now I just think of it as nature mocking me. I won't deny the fact that my mind went straight to the possibility of her warm mouth and pouty lips wrapped around my shaft, claiming and owning me. But I quickly dismissed those thoughts, it wasn't happening, I wasn't about to take advantage of the fact that we are now stuck together, I wasn't about to take advantage of her. So I got out of her bed immediately, and I didn't miss the disappointed look on her face.

And have we been avoiding each other? No, we've just been avoiding any conversation or interaction that would lead to my kissing the fucking shit out of her.

"Lee," I hear her soft, small voice at the door.

"I'm fucking this up aren't I? I'm no actor, Kimmie, if there's anyone that knows that, it's you," I grumble.

"Would you just open the door?" She chuckles. "I'm also not a really good actress or anything, I just do my best,"

"Says the Oscar nominee," I poke my head out through the side of the door and she shoves the door until it's fully open. Then she surprises me, she walks in and then she locks the door. I raise a brow in question.

"You think you're the only on terrified, I'm mixing up my lines too, literally everyone is expecting so freaking much of me and I'm screwing up,"

"No, baby you're not," the words slip out and she stares at me, with heat in her eyes. "Maybe you're just a bit burnt out, and hey,, you may think you're flailing but I can assure you, no one notices, you are the star of this movie," I smile at her and she nods.

"You should take your own advice, and besides, you're a hockey player, no one would take anything personal," she sighs.

"Well you are the Queen of this movie," I wink. 

"Says the guy with crazy hockey stats," she winks back.

"Hey, the crazy stats belong to West, not me," I poke her shoulder and she chuckles.

"Aw, come on, Ace!" She laughs.

"You're doing really nasty things to my ego, princess," I focus my eyes on hers.

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