Chapter Fourteen ☽︎ A Romance Movie?

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"I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart. I am never without it. Anywhere I go, you go, my dear. And whatever is done by only your doing. I fear no fate...for you are my fate, I want no world cause you are my world. Here is the deepest secret no one knows. Here is the root of root and bud of bud & the sky of the sky of the tree of life. Which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide. It's the wonder that keeps the stars apart."
-- Unknown


"Um, hey, Kim, um, I'm not lost, I mean, I'm just observing, you know?" He rambles, visibly swallowing, a nervous act I've picked up over the years.

I chuckle to myself as I walk past him, but then halted in my steps at the sound of his voice again.

"What 'bout you? Kimberly Summers, casually walking the streets of Seattle without her driver and bodyguard,"

"A girl needs her private moments, you of all people should know that,"

"Of course I do," he says, his eyes slowly drifting up and down my long red coat.

"See you Saturday night?" I wink.

"Yeah, yeah, see you," he rambles again, stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his coat, as he walks away from me.

I surprised him.

I really did.

Because I don't want him to catch me off guard, ever. Last Saturday was intoxicating. An incident that should never have happened, an moment that should never repeat himself. Back in college, there was something about him that always intrigued me, always made me curious. The first time I saw him, I wanted to know how it felt to be fucked by him, I wanted to know why his hair was so long and why his right arm had so much ink on it, I wanted to know why he looked so hot in the cold of that night.

Curiosity shattered my morality into so many bits and I couldn't stop looking.

What happened in California should never repeat itself, ever. And honestly, I'm done being the one taken by surprise.

As unbelievable as it may sound, I walked home in the cold of the evening. I've lived my entire life in the shelter of bodyguards and drivers, and today, I decided to take a break. I paid them all off. I needed a moment to myself and by moment I mean a long couple of months. And yes, I couldn't avoid the autographs, camera and constant stares, but for some reason it felt better than being sheltered like an egg.

I'm walking into the house when I hear two voices in my family's enormous living room. Dad's and Tony's. And honestly, this is the first time they're having an argument.

"Do you know why I like Aaron West?"


"I mean I hate his guts, but have you ever asked yourself why I've never had any bad thing to say about him these past few years?"


"It's because he'd kill anyone that tries to hurt my daughter!" Dad yells and I freeze.

It's the first time I've heard him call Liz his daughter since......... forever.

"And I mean beat the person to a pulp, he doesn't care who the person is!" Dad pauses. "And then I find out that you......" Dad makes a pained sound. "I can't even bring myself to say what you did!"


"It's over, whatever we had with your family is over, forget everything, your underwear shit, and most of all, forget my daughter," Dad says in a tone that says, "don't you dare argue with me."

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