Mall Trips.

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Never in my life had I met any guy who actually enjoyed shopping. That was until I met Cgc, of course. I think rich people like shopping because they know they can buy what they want. Unlike me who can't stare at a pair of shoes I want for too long because the huge dent that'll be made in my bank account will come back and bite me in the ass. When we finally settled on L.A. for spring break, Cgc said he needed new clothes. Spring break isn't for another couple of weeks, yet here we are.

We've only been here for about an hour but Cgc carries eight bags with him. Valdez, Rhys, and I only have one. I wasn't thinking about coming here today and wasting that much money anyway, so I don't mind. I don't know why Cgc needs new clothes though. He can barely fit his clothes in the tiny closet space he has. He uses our laundry racks for some of his clothes. He calls it impulsive shopping, I think it's a slight obsession.

He picks up chain number seven and shows it to us. "What about this one? I think I like this one the most." He admires the silver chain in his hand. "You said that about the last four," Rhys points out. Chris shakes his head. He's not wrong though. "How much is it?" Chris muses. Cgc motions over a middle-aged man. "How much for this one?" he asks for the again, seventh, time. This guy must be sick of him. The jewelry store is pretty busy today. "$509," he tells him. He doesn't budge, but Chris' eyes widen. "Yeah, no."

"I'll take it," Cgc smiles at the man and hands him the chain in his hand. He leaves to go pack it for him. When he turns to look at us we all have a different what the hell face. He's been super impulsive lately and not just with spending money. His smile fades and he tilts his head, "What?" We all say nothing, just like always. "You can pay over here!" The man motions for Cgc across the shop. He looks at us one more time before heading over. "I'm not the only one worried about him, right?" Rhys asks. Chris is entranced by his phone, so I answer. "No, but what can we do? He's said before that he's okay," I tell him.

Just like me, Cgc is a damn good liar. Only I'm better since my friends seem to believe me. We all don't believe Cgc. He's been like this ever since we lost the Orange Bowl. It was our chance to go to the National Championship game and we lost. Cgc threw an interception with only a couple of seconds left and I can tell he hasn't forgiven himself yet. He doesn't know how to deal with it other than being impulsive. Which is terrible because he's already spontaneous as it is.

The guys and I have had to deal with it for weeks now. Over a month actually, now that I think about it. He's having more sex than usual and does not give a fuck if it bothers us. The walls are kind of thin, so we hear everything he's doing. He's partying more than I do now too and he's spending a lot of money. I think his parents are letting him just because they know how badly he feels for losing us the game. His words, not mine. It's everyone's fault. If anything, I could blame myself too. He threw the ball to me but the cornerback covering me caught it instead.

He was also holding my arm, but the refs that game were fucking ass. They didn't call any flags for either team. We probably got away with one too many holding calls as well though. Regardless, I'm fucking over it. I'll just focus on getting ready for next season.

"They're at the food court already," Chris says, finally picking his head up from his phone. Cgc is already walking over to us. I nod, "Alright, let's go." We're having lunch with Novalee and Maddy. They both got hired at Saks Fifth Avenue about two weeks ago and have been working ever since. Cgc puts the smaller bag into one of his bigger ones, "Where are we eating?" he asks. "Wherever you want, stud," Chris says. "Dope," he replies.

We make it to the second floor and both girls already have their food in front of them. I decide to skip the food part and just order a soft drink since I'm not that hungry. I woke up earlier than all of them and made a big breakfast for myself. Valdez kisses Nova on her cheek and she hugs him as he sits on the chair beside her. He sets down his bag near her, "I'm gonna go get something, I'll be back." He kisses her forehead. Rhys and Cgc are still waiting on their orders at the pizza place. "I can't believe he bought something from Gucci," Nova says, shoving chow mein into her mouth. She eyes Cgc's bags on the ground.

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