First Time.

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"Dude that's so fucking hot, if you don't have sex with that mannn," I tell Natasha over the phone. She's currently out with her boyfriend. He goes to the University of Oregon, so they don't see each other much. He drove into town to visit her for a couple of days. She just told me they got back from their date and he laid out rose pedals for her on the bed and all over the floor. They're about to take a bath together and drink some wine. I think my friend's relationships sound so cool. I'd never do anything that romantic myself.

"Of course, I'm going to fuck him."

I chuckle, "I'll miss you at the dorm though, I get bored easily." He got them a hotel room for a couple of days.

"I'll miss you too, but I'm not complaining that much since I'll be getting laid and spending time with my lover."

"Totally not jealous," I joke.

"Hey, where are you by the way? I hear wind."

"I came shopping for some more fabric for my swimsuits. I decided to walk and save some gas though. The weather is nice after all."

"Right? I'm so fucking happy it's starting to get warm again."

"Same, I miss summer outfits."

"Speaking of summer outfits.." Natasha's voice fades as panic slithers up my body. The street I'm currently on isn't as busy as the previous ones. It's also not as lit up from street lights. I see a body on the ground in the alley and I suddenly start feeling like I'm about to pass. I need to pass by here to get to my car. I hear light groans come from deeper inside of the alley. Oh thank God, they're not dead. "Nat, I gotta go. If you don't hear from me in the next hour call 911," I say shakily. "What?!" is all I hear before hanging up. I try walking up quietly, but my heels click loudly against the cement. I squint my eyes to get a better look, the groans having stopped. As I reach the start of the alley, I glance at the person whose ass is on the floor with their back against the wall.


I enter the alley when I have a clear view that it's him and not some random hobo. He grabs onto his ribs, head hanging low. "Xander, what the hell?" I say in a panicked whisper. I inch closer and lean down in front of him. His head shoots up and he looks straight at me. His lip is busted and his eye is closed shut like it hurts to stay open. He still holds onto his ribs too. "What are you doing here?" he breathes out. I choke out something in between a gasp and chuckle. "I could ask you the same thing, what the hell happened to you?"

I try to touch his face, but he flinches away from my touch. "Xander, now is not the time to play enemies. Let's get the fuck out of here before someone kills both of us," I tell him. Bad things always happen in allies. Example A: Xander right now. He groans as he tries to lift his ass up from the ground. I set my bags down and grab both of his hands to help him up. He takes them and I use all my strength to help him up. He's about a whole 100 pounds heavier than me, so I struggle a bit. He finally stands on his own two feet but uses the brick wall behind him to hold him up.

"Give me your keys," I say. He points down at his pocket, not moving his arms that are wrapped around his abdomen. "I-I'm not grabbing them from there," I say, swallowing a lump lodged in my throat. "Oh my God, Maddy just get the fucking keys," he groans out. I hesitate for a second. Fuck it, I don't want to be here for that much longer. I walk towards him and slowly stick my hand into his sweatpants pocket. Once I find the keys, I pull them out quickly. I press the button and the car beeps only a couple of feet in front of the alleyway. Why was he even here?

I pick my bag up from the floor and his familiar duffel bag, looping them around my arm. "Okay, let's go." I know I have to help him out at least a little bit. I walk to him and wrap my hand around his waist. He leans some of his weight on me and I try not to complain. It takes a good three minutes to make it into his car. He told me to drive as he couldn't exactly move his hands from his stomach. I close the door and put on my seatbelt once I'm inside.

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