Almost Caught.

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Although I do consider myself smart, I will accept the fact that there are people smarter than me. This fact doesn't bother me much. While I don't mind school, I've never thought about studying anything other than fashion. Fashion entertains me. English, math, science, philosophy? Do nothing for me. Not once in my life have I thought 'Hm maybe I'd like to become a biologist. Oh! Or maybe a math teacher!' I don't know what I'd be doing if I wasn't good at fashion because regular subjects like those I just named, do not satisfy me one bit. I'd be miserable for the rest of my life if I had to not only study any of those, but pursue a career with the degree I get out of them.

Of course, like any other college student, I still had to take classes such as algebra, social studies, and biology. I am so glad that part of my college experience is over since I am a junior now. But the one Psychology class I failed my freshman year has finally come back to haunt me in my second semester of junior year. So far, I've been paying lots of attention to this specific class because there is no way I am failing again.

Luckily, I have a different professor this time. Professor Kingsley is much more patient and way better at explaining things than my last professor. Psychology is a total fucking drag but at least I'm understanding it better than I did my freshman year. I just hope I can do well on this final project which is being assigned to us now. It's inching the end of March and we finish school in early May but if your final is essay-research based — like this one— professors tend to give you it earlier.

Our final research paper has to be at least eight pages long researching any type of field of psychology that interests us the most and then finding someone who actually studies that field to interview. Since none of them interest me, I'm most likely going to just choose a random one and wing it. Not completely obviously. I still need to pass this.

I exit the lecture room and flip through the worksheets that explain the final project. When I look up, I see Jason. He studies the papers intently. I rush up to him quickly. Maybe he can help me pick out a field. "Hey, Jason. Already know what you're going to write about?" I ask. Unlike myself, Jason is taking this class because although it is required for everyone, it's required for his field of study. Psychology. Literally.

"Yup. This is gonna be easy for me. You?" he asks. I sigh, "I don't know, actually. I think finding someone to interview will be the hardest part. At this point, I'm more worried about finding someone to interview. I don't care what field of psychology it's in to be honest," I explain to him. He snaps his fingers and points at me. "You can interview my dad! His field is clinical psychology, so he deals with clients with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and all that. It's pretty interesting," he tells me. I smile instantly. Thank you, Jason Crest.

Wait, Jason Crest?

"Your father is a psychologist?" I say, even though that's what he just told me. "Yup. Dr. Crest. He works at those buildings by the fro-yo place, the insurance company, and all that. I could tell him about you and secure you his interview." None of our classmates can interview the same person, so we have to be quick with reserving one of these people. "Uh, yeah. That'd be great, actually. Thank you, Jason. Pass me his info and I'll give him a call myself later to set up an appointment?" I ask. He gives me his father's number and I put it on my phone. He tells me he'll tell him immediately about me so that he won't accept someone else's interview. I thank him and then start walking back to my dorm.

Dr. Crest is Jason's father. A couple of days ago, Xander mentioned to me that he knew a man with the last name Crest. He said middle-aged man which could be Jason's father. He's also a psychologist. Specifically for anxiety, depression, and whatever else he said. That's a coincidence, right? Oak Hill is huge. I'm sure there are millions of people with the last name Crest here. He did mention he had a panic attack to me though. Once. He said he was fine but I still didn't believe him. I still ask if he's okay every time we see each other.

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