Date Night.

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Since the semester is ending soon and finals are coming up, I decided to start working more. I was surprised when I got a call this morning to substitute at a high school. Normally I only get assigned to elementary and middle schools but not today. It's 12:05 in the afternoon and my current students just left for lunch a couple of minutes ago. I forgot to bring lunch today, so I'm driving to a drive-through to see if I can get a salad before lunch ends at 12:40.

Drakes life is good is cut off by my phone ringing. I look at the dashboard and press answer when I see my girlfriend's name. I texted her when the kids left and asked her to call me. She's home right now and doesn't have another class until 2:00 p.m. "Hey, what are you doing?" she asks, out of breath. I furrow my brows, turning up the volume of the Bluetooth. "What's got you panting and shit?" I ask. She lets out a tired chuckle. "I came for a run because why not? I just saw your text right now," she tells me.

She used to go to the same gym as me before she didn't. She found ways to avoid me, but after she started working, she stopped going completely. "I'll leave you to it then," I say. "No! I need a break anyway. What are you doing, hello? I hear your loud ass car," she says. "I forgot to pack lunch so I'm gonna go through a drive-through and just pick up a quick salad," I tell her. She doesn't answer for a couple of seconds. "Have any high school girls been gawking at you?" she asks.

I make a disgusted face even though she can't see me. "Please, don't say shit like that. My sisters in high school," I remind her. "You're 20 years old. You were a high schooler, like three years ago," she says. That's true, but still, I'm overage it's weird. Also, I'm substituting a mostly freshman class, meaning the girls are 14 or 15. My sister's age. "Still weird, Madison." I pull into Wendy's drive-through. They sell salads here and it's the closest thing to the high school I'm teaching at right now. "Hold on, baby," I tell Maddy.

The drive-through is surprisingly empty right now so I make my order quickly. Maybe I'll have some time to eat comfortably before the kids get back from lunch. "A salad?" she says, hearing my order. "Order some real food, like a chicken burger or something," she adds. I laugh. She knows I don't fucking eat meat that much. I'm more of a chicken type of person. "I'll have some real food later, I don't got time right now," I say.

"Are we still on for later?" she asks. I promised to take her on a real date now that we're officially dating. Still feels crazy to say that out loud. "Yeah. I'm picking you up at 7," I remind her. A worker opens up the window and I pay with my card and she hands me my food afterward. I thank her before leaving. It's still 12:15 so I have some time. "Okay, good," she finally says. "Shit, I have to get back to my dorm and shower. My professors only taking our final projects from 1 to 2. I'll see you later?" she says quickly. "Yeah, babe. I love you, see you later." I hang up right after and shove my phone back into the empty cup holder.

I may need to speed back to school so I can enjoy my lunch without the students around. High school students make fun of you for anything. That I've learned. I'm not about to get flamed by 14/15-year-olds for picking to eat a salad for lunch.


I went grocery shopping after I got out of work since I know if I don't do it, no one else will. I only got a couple of necessary things like milk, eggs, chicken breast, bread, and Nova's pretzels. I didn't have much time since I wanted to come home and shower before I had to pick up Maddy later on tonight. I know I'd still have time but I also had to dedicate an hour to finish some homework I've been trying to catch up on. With only two semesters of college left — excluding this current one — I can't afford to fail any classes. If I do, that means I'll have to take a summer class next year and not graduate with the rest of my class. That's unacceptable.

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