Never Again.

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My glare never leaves but only finds a new victim, the person in front of me. Xander Williamson. "Wipe that nasty smirk off your face." He laughs. Nothing about this situation is funny. He covers his mouth with his palm and then removes it two seconds later. A straight line sits on his lips now. I raise my chin and pick up my already melted drink, still taking a sip of the fruity cocktail. "That's what I thought." At least he's not being completely agonizing like usual. Though I can still say I'd rather be with anyone else right now.

"They'll be back in a bit." He doesn't look at me as he takes a swig from his beer. I look back at my friends with the girls across the bar. I'm the only one who has a clear view of them as Xander's back is to them. "How do you know?" I ask, curiously. He shakes his head, finally returning his gaze to me. "Max will be, Cgc probably won't. I don't know if DJ will though," he says easily. I narrow my eyes slightly at him. "How can you be so sure?" I question.

"Because I've been around them long enough to know when or when they won't hook up with the girls they pursue," he tells me. I glance at them quickly again. Max looks pretty interested in the blonde to me. "He looks pretty comfortable to me," I say. He turns his head at this, only looking at our friends for a couple of seconds. "Naah, just watch. He's gonna come back complaining." I don't like how Xander is acting like he can predict what the fuck Max is going to do. How does he know him better than me?

Max looks interested in that girl. Right? I glance again. He looks heavily interested. Xander's wrong, like always. "Why do you look mad? You finally admitting to having a thing for Max?" he smirks, taking another drink from his beer. I roll my eyes, almost gagging but stop myself. Although Max and I dating is as close as Xander and I dating, I remember that he's my best friend. Yes, he may be gross and annoying, but he still means more to me than a lot of people do.

"I do not like Max and I will never like Max," I retort. He tilts his head to the side quickly like he's shaking his head. Fuck, do people believe I like Max? Is that a thing? God, I hope not. "I'd sleep with Rhys before I ever slept with Max," I say, defending myself. Rhys isn't disgusting or anything, he's just not my type. Max is actually my type and I hate to even say it but after getting to know him, well that completely changed. He's more of a brother to me now so whenever someone jokes about us sleeping together, it haunts me.

"Sureee," he says quickly. I roll my eyes, not wanting to argue with him again. "Why don't you go join them then, hm? I'll be fine on my own." I pull out my phone and open some of my unopened texts. "I'm not interested in any of those girls," he says. I glance up at him from my phone for just a second. "Of course you are," I retort. I'm sure he's been with at least one of them at least once already. I would never slut-shame a girl because I know I wouldn't like to be slut-shamed but I'm sure they've been with all of the guys, including Xander, they're currently talking to.

Like I said, I'd never slut-shame a girl. Good for them honestly, as long as they're being safe about it. "Not even one bit," he says. I look up at him and he's still looking at me despite me not paying much attention to him. I lock my phone and set it down on the table. "Who are you interested in them?" I challenge. I take a sip from my drink through the black straw, keeping my eyes on him. A smirk forms onto his lips, "It's none of your business who I'm interested in." I scoff, knowing what that means. "So you're interested in nobody then?" He furrows his dark brows at me.

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't not say that."

"I'm definitely interested in someone," he pauses shortly "just surprised that you actually care." He winks at me. I roll my eyes again. Yeah, no. If this sounds like I care even one bit, this conversation cannot go any further. "I don't care," I actually fucking stumble across my words for some reason. I pray he didn't notice but the sudden smile on his face tells me he did. Fuck, I actually don't care. "Shut it." I point my manicured finger towards him. He holds his hands up in defense. "I didn't say anything, ice queen," he says nonchalantly.

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