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this chapter may contain some triggering words to some people.

The bright sunlight shined through the window of an unknown room. Yeonseo opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright light. She moved her fingers and toes, making sure that they were still there.

Her eyes looked around the room, wondering where she was. The room was designed with a golden-coloured ceiling and walls. She sat up straight on the bed and touched the bedsheet, feeling the silk material against her hand.

She jumped out of the bed and stood in front of a mirror, seeing her face. She saw that she was in expensive-looking nightwear.

What the hell?

She walked to the door and peeked in the hallway, seeing no one around. She closed the door and decided to explore the unfamiliar place. The ceiling was high as it was engraved with floral designs.

Gold sculptures were decorated and frames of unknown people were hung. She gulped in fear as she searched for the way out of the building.

People around her were giving her weird looks. She approached one of them who was about to enter the building.

"Excuse me," she spoke but stopped when the person immediately bowed, lowering her gaze. "Why are you–"

The unknown person walked away, leaving her dumbfounded. She sighed and stepped out of the building, Her attention was soon averted to her bare feet. She frowned and ran around the outdoor area, realising that she may have been there before.

"I've been here before," she muttered as she continued to look around.


The palace!

The Eastern Palace!

She saw how people were wearing an unknown uniform. They all were giving her confused and suspicious looks. She ran to her favourite place, the lake.

She saw that the water was clearer than she remembered. The palace looked like it was still new. Not the old and abandoned one she remembered.

Don't say that I've...

Travelled back to 300 years ago?

"Dad! Stop joking around!" She shouted, hoping for Mr Yoon to come out from the bushes. She stepped closer to the water, seeing her reflection staring back at her.

The last time I remembered, I was trying to swim up from the lake. But something pulled me back down.

She dipped her barefoot into the water, feeling the cold water. She took a deep breath and jumped around to warm her body up. She immediately jumped into the lake, shivering due to the cold temperature.

I have to find that old diary! My dad is going to kill me.

"Kim Yeonseo!"

She flinched at the stern voice. Her fear soon was replaced with confusion, "Kim?" She muttered. She turned around and saw a man in royal formal attire. He was accompanied by people that looked like servants and guards.

"Who are you?" She asked. The man glanced at the guards, probably telling them to bring her back up to the land. Because the next thing they did was go into the water and carry her up.

"Committing suicide is against the law! Thank God I saved you before it's too late! And now you want to do it again?" The unknown man scolded.

She scoffed, "Listen here. I don't know who you are. I don't know who Kim Yeonseo is. But my name is Yoon Yeonseo. Not Kim. I do not know who Kim Yeonseo is!"

"Take her to the royal physician for further checkup. It appears that the princess has lost her mind after a week's coma."

"Coma? Princess? What do you mean? Where am I?"

One of the male servants bowed at her, "You are the princess of the East Kingdom, Your Highness. The sister of the great king, King Sunoo."

She couldn't help but laugh at the stupid introduction. "Princess?! Yah, stop with all these jokes and pranks. Where's my dad? He knows I hate these types of pranks. I know I like to learn about the East Kingdom's stories but I didn't expect him to prank me like this."

"Father died eight years ago," Sunoo said blankly. "What?" She looked at him with startled eyes.

"You probably have lost your memories but I didn't expect you to be this rude. You're allowed to see me again after this attitude is gone," he said before leaving her. All the servants bowed before following behind him.

"Wait!" She called. Sunoo ignored her and kept walking away. The court lady behind him hesitantly stopped and ran to her, "Yes, Your Highness?"

"What year is it now?"

"It's the year 1722, Your Highness," the lady said before running after the king.

This is not a joke then.

What am I going to do?

Her knees felt weak, making her sit on the ground. She still felt like it was all a dream. She tried blinking her eyes continuously, hoping that when she woke up, she was in her bedroom. She tried pinching herself hard enough but she was still there near the lake.

She clenched her fists as she felt anger rising inside her. She stomped towards the lake and was about to jump into it.

"Your Highness! No!" A court lady screamed as she ran towards her. Yeonseo widened her eyes and quickly prepared to jump until the court lady grabbed her hand, "No!"

"Let me go! I don't belong here!"

"No! You belong here! Everybody loves you! You deserve to live–"

"No! You don't understand!" Yeonseo felt like she was about to cry explaining to the lady, "I'm not suicidal. I really don't belong here. I came from the future! I don't even know where I am now!"

"I can't believe you have lost your mind after the attempted suicide, Your Highness," the court lady burst into tears.

Yeonseo gave her a death stare before cursing under her breath. The court lady looked at her with horrified eyes. She had never heard the princess using such mere words.

"Aish! Talking to you people is the reason why I was suicidal! God!" Yeonseo shouted before stomping back into the palace.

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