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ten years later.

"Ms Yoon! We found something!"

Yeonseo averted her attention away from the artefact she was examining. She sighed and rushed to her group member, Hawon. She put on her tag that said 'team leader' and looked at the laptop screen.

Hawon was assigned to examine the skeleton they found in the ground. "What is it?"

"I thought this skeleton belongs to some court maid or something. But guess what."

"What?" She frowned as she started to feel impatient. "It's Prince Sunghoon's skeleton. The one who was shot to death by King Jay."

She looked at her colleague with startled eyes. "Why? What's wrong?" Hawon innocently asked. "Nothing," she changed the topic and went out of the tent.

She saw all her team members carefully digging up the artefacts and smiled. Her friend, Seohyun smiled and waved at her, "Yeonseo-yah!"

Yeonseo watched as the said girl ran towards her. "Are you coming to lunch with us?"

Yeonseo shook her head, "I have somewhere else to be."

"Are you visiting Yang Jungwon's tomb again? You're always there every week."

Yeonseo lowered her gaze and smiled softly, "I have my reasons. You guys should enjoy your lunch without me."

With that, she left them both as she walked out of the archaeology site.


Hawon and Seohyun exchanged nervous glances as they looked at the shaman in fear. The blind shaman was chanting some words as she shook her bell stick aggressively.

"What do you wish that made you come here?" The shaman asked sternly. Hawon glanced at Seohyun and watched as she scooted closer to the shaman.

"I was hoping you could predict my best friend's future."

"What is it about? Divorce? Love? Friendship? Job?"

"Something to do with soulmate and love?" Seohyun scooted back to Hawon, her hands trembling as she got goosebumps.

"Your best friend's name is Yoon Yeonseo, am I right?"

Hawon scowled, "How do you know–"

"Shut up! I'm trying to concentrate!" The shaman scolded and continued chanting. Seohyun smacked the younger man's head and shushed him, "She's called a shaman for a reason."

The lady gasped and dropped her bell stick. "This Yeonseo is a very special woman. She did something in the past!"

"Can you explain it further?" The female archaeologist asked.

"Yoon Yeonseo will not find love! Because she had found him before."

It was Hawon's turn to be confused. "Since when? She rejected all the guys who asked her on a date."

"This Yoon Yeonseo will be reunited once again with her lover in the afterlife. Because he is already waiting for her there. With their son, Yang Yeongwon."

The younger man laughed, "Okay, that's ridiculous. Yeongwon is Yang Jungwon's son. And he's dead. He lived in the 1700s. Can you be more serious?"

Seohyun frowned and thought for a while. She felt confused and annoyed at the shaman's comment.

"How is she destined to be with Jungwon? He died three hundred years ago."


Yeonseo approached Jungwon's tomb and smiled, "I brought your favourite crackers."

It was the same sentence she said when she visited his tomb before she died. She sat on the ground near the tomb and opened the packet.

"If only you were reincarnated again. Would you still be with me even if you're reborn again? Will we be together and even have Yeongwon again?"

"I became an archaeologist just so that I could learn more about the East Kingdom. And I've read your memoir. It has been my routine to read your memoir every night before I go to sleep."

"I just realised you always write in it when I'm asleep. And then you'll climb into bed and kiss my forehead before pulling me into a cuddle."

She inhaled the fresh air and sighed, "Ah, we should've gotten more portraits together. We only got one. And it's the one before you died."

She stood back up and turned around to look at her son's tomb. She smiled at Yeongwon's name that was carved into the wooden sign.

In another life, we will all be together again.

I will watch you grow up and have kids, Yeongwon-ah.

And Jungwon and I will live together until we grow old and have wrinkles.

I love you, Jungwon. Always and forever.

the end.

Thank you for supporting my story! I think this is my first time writing a book with a sad ending. I hope it did make you cry and sad. Or else it wouldn't be a sad-ending book. This book was inspired by the Korean drama 'The Red Sleeve'. The drama broke my heart when I found out it was based on a true story.

That's when I got the inspiration to write The Unknown History. I hope you guys are satisfied with this book and let me know what you guys think :) And I love reading your comments, especially the long ones so please feel free to write anything you want. And do not worry if it's too long because I don't mind.

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