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• Second Test •

Yeonseo couldn't help but smirk as she held a football. She had asked Mr Bae to create it since football wasn't invented until the 1800s. She took a deep breath and looked at the candidates, seeing them already in their sports attire.

That means I'll be the person to create football.

Just thinking about it made her proud and happy. Sunoo cleared his throat, "Aren't you going to give a few words, Your Highness?"

"Oh right!" She fixed her posture and put the ball on the ground, "This game is called football."

The candidates exchanged confused glances at each other, "Football?"

She scowled and made sure they became silent before continuing, "I would want my future husband to be athletic and active. Since I'm also athletic, I would want him to do sports with me. So, he must have good stamina. It will be tested through football."

That's right. You guys have never played this sport before. There's a higher possibility they won't pass the test. Each team will only have five players since there are not enough candidates.

Then, only five will pass the third test. It'll be easier to get rid of them! I'm coming for you, my single life.

Mr Bae started briefing the rules of the sport to the candidates. Sunoo waited under a tent with Yeonseo next to him. They both drank cold water since the weather was hot.

"How did you even come up with this sport?" The King asked curiously, amazed at how creative the sport was.

She smirked, "I had a dream about it. Why not make it real?"

Actually, it's already invented. And I came from the future but I won't tell you that. Just let me have my moment!

She averted her gaze to Sunghoon, seeing him stretching himself. He ran his fingers through his hair, making her blush. Her heart started fluttering as she felt something funny in her stomach.

Could it be butterflies?

She slapped her cheek hard, making Sunoo flinch. He frowned, "What the hell was that?"

Baekhee who stood behind them looked at her with a concerned face, "Your Highness, please don't do that."

Yeonseo looked away, "I shouldn't feel like this. Damn you, Kim Yeonseo!"

Sunoo sighed and ignored her. The guards blew their horns, signalling that the game has started. The teams started running for the ball.

Sunghoon eventually got the ball and kicked it towards his goal post. His team won and they all cheered, receiving death glares from their opponents.

Sunoo stood and cheered, clapping his hands. Yeonseo faked a smile and rubbed her temple, waiting for the next round. The game went on for a few hours, making the people watching the teams tired.

Baekhee sighed and felt her legs weak for standing under the tent for hours. Yeonseo glanced at the servant taking care of the scores. Sunghoon's team was leading.

Then again, Sunghoon got the ball and immediately kicked it towards his goal post, earning cheers from his team members and the people watching them. Yeonseo clapped her hand slowly, only five more candidates to go.


Sunghoon wiped his sweat before drinking his water. Yeonseo slowly approached him and handed him a towel. He chuckled and took it before pulling her towards him. Their faces were so close, she thought she could even feel his breath.

His hair was damp from the sweat, making him look more attractive. She widened her eyes and cleared her throat before pulling away.

"Thanks, princess," he said.

Hearing him call her that always made her blush. You are so lucky, Kim Yeonseo.

"It was a fun game, princess. I'm sure the people here in the East Kingdom will love you for inventing it."

"Well..." she faked a smile before looking away. He let the towel hanging around his neck before sitting down, "I know that you're trying to get rid of all of us, princess. So that you don't have to get married."

She frowned and narrowed her eyes at him, "Which reminds me, how did you even answer the first test? It's algebra."

"So that's what it's called. First, I thought it was a bit nonsensical to add letters in a math equation. Then, I got the hang of it and managed to answer them correctly. Algebra is quite fun."

It's not supposed to be fun! It's supposed to be hard! Please, Sunghoon, just fail the tests. I'm begging you.

She whined in her thoughts. He smirked and patted her head, "I'll see you later, princess. I look forward to the next test."

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