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Mr Bae knocked on Jungwon's door as he waited with the other two guards. The door soon opened, revealing the nobleman already in his nightwear. The servant bowed and closed his eyes, feeling nervous.

"What brings you here, Mr Bae?"

"The princess has requested for you to come back to the palace. It's an order. She wants to sleep with you tonight."

Jungwon's heart stopped beating at the sudden order. "That means that I'll be her partner once I sleep with her. Are you sure that's the order?"

"Her Royal Highness has argued about not wanting to marry His Royal Highness, Prince Sunghoon. She decided to stop the marriage by sleeping with you tonight. It's an order, my lord."

He had heard stories about the kings and princes sleeping with a commoner. And they eventually became one of their mistresses. Now, Yeonseo was using her power as a princess to sleep with him just to stop the marriage.

He had no choice but to obey. Because once an outsider declines a royal family member's orders, they could be sentenced to death. Jungwon nodded and followed Mr Bae back to the palace.

After a while, they finally arrived. Mr Bae led him to a room and told the court ladies to change him into a new outfit. The maids led the nobleman to the washroom and bathed him in a bath filled with rose petals and essential oil.

Jungwon kept his head lowered, earning an apologetic look from the male servant.


Baekhee gently rinsed the princess's body with water filled with flower petals. She then helped Yeonseo get out of the tub before changing her into nightwear that royals would usually wear before producing an offspring.

"Forgive me for saying this, Your Highness. But I think you're making an irrational decision. Do you really want to sleep with Lord Yang?"

Yeonseo finally lifted her face and Baekhee's heart dropped at the sight of her eyes becoming teary. The princess sobbed and closed her eyes, letting the tears trickle down.

"I feel like this will just make him hate me, Baekhee-yah."

The court lady held her trembling hands and caressed them, "It's not too late to back down, Your Highness."

Yeonseo wiped her tears away and looked at herself in the mirror. The court lady had sprayed a floral-scented perfume at her.

"Your Highness, Lord Yang has arrived."

Baekhee led her back to the bedroom and she saw him standing at the entrance with his head hung low. He bowed and still kept his eyes fixed to the floor.

The servants and court ladies left to give them both some privacy. Yeonseo examined his expression, seeing that he was unhappy and anxious. "May I ask you something, Your Highness," he finally broke the awkward silence.

She nodded and waited for him to continue. He looked at her with his empty eyes. She started to feel guilty and disappointed in herself for making him hate her more.

"Do you really think this was a great idea to go against the king?"

She suppressed her tears and forced herself to smile, "If you really can't do this, you are allowed to leave. I will not punish you. If leaving is what makes you happy and not hate me, I'll be happy to let you go."

She turned around and let her tears fall. She breathed out and whimpered, "I will not force you to sleep with me just so that I don't have to marry Sunghoon."

"Marrying His Highness would probably be the best decision for you."

"Why would I marry the man who harassed me?" She finally looked at him and let him witness her red and puffy eyes. "Sunoo doesn't trust me when I told him about it. I don't want you to think I'm lying too. Sunghoon threatened and even touched me without my permission."

Jungwon rushed to her and held both of her shoulders, "He did what?!"

She whimpered and cried into his chest, inhaling the perfume scent that Mr Bae put earlier. He rested his chin on her head and patted her back gently, "I'm so sorry for not knowing."

"Your Highness," he pulled away and stared at her deeply, looking carefully at her teary eyes. "Will you not regret marrying a man like me? I can't provide you with this kind of luxurious life, Your Highness. Are you sure about tonight?"

She slowly nodded. He wiped her tears with his thumb before leaning in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes, deepening the kiss.

He slowly led her to the bed and laid her there carefully so that she doesn't hurt herself. The night then went on, waiting for a new story tomorrow.

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