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We were still in the restaurant over an hour later, and I was reflecting on the quality of my meal. It was a tasteful concoction of beef, onions, apples, nutmeg, and potatoes. I assumed the cook used breadcrumbs to make the thick gravy which was very good. Plenty of thick slices of fresh bread accompanied the meal, but I limited myself to one.

Though we had not said a word, I had the feeling my host was gauging my reactions to everything, and it put me on edge. I still had not quite been able to forgive him for his brusque manner and overly personal conversation. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Miss Connolly, may I call you Molly?"

"No." I had not glanced at him, but the sound of my Christian name on his lips stiffened me.

"Okay," he sounded dismissive, and I tensed, irritated. Pushing his plate away he shifted in his chair, fingering his empty cup of coffee. "What happened at home to bring you all the way to the Utah Territory?"

"I feel disinclined to answer the inquiries of a man with whom I have no acquaintance, especially one who has made me an impertinent offer of marriage but has yet to give me so much as his name." I arched my brows at him, staring directly into his eyes. He pondered that for a moment then smiled.

"Those are mighty fancy words, Ma'am, but I reckon I know your meanin'. I'm Nolan Tyler. Most folks just call me Tyler."

"Mister Tyler, I am an orphan. My father died only recently, my mother some years ago, so no, I have no family able to take me in."

"How old are you? Can't possibly be more than twenty?"

Heat rose to my cheeks, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of looking away. His intimate manner angered me more than I could have imagined, but I was tired of smoothing it over with polished civility. Hadn't I suffered enough to be able to speak freely?

"I'll be twenty years of age not too long from now." I could tell this answer surprised him, and I wondered why. Perhaps he was expecting to be wrong.

"Nineteen, a little young for an easterner,"

"I would say I am sorry to disappoint, but you did bring it on yourself." I retorted.

"Are you speaking of the matter I mentioned to you earlier?" he gave me a sly smile, baiting me for a reaction. I managed not to roll my eyes.

"Yes, Mister Tyler, I am bringing up the subject of marriage." Lifting my chin, I primly folded my arms in front of me.

For long moments we sized one another up across the small table in the hotel restaurant. What was I going to say to him? Literally a man I had only spoke to for the first time today! Tyler broke the uncomfortable stalemate.

"Well? Do you have your answer?"

I opened my mouth, but the words stuck in my throat. A sudden flash of memory brought Dell into clear focus before my eyes, our voices echoing in my ears.

"A girl like you, you got options..."

"Marriage? Just to have a place to live?"

Tears welled up in my eyes cascading freely down my cheeks and I whipped my face to one side, embarrassed. Taking a moment to gather myself, when I focused back on Nolan Tyler a strange expression was on his face. He had to be wondering at what sort of fragile creature I must be to be constantly crying. Swallowing the boulder sized lump in my throat I nodded, wiping away my tears.


"Really?" Clearly startled, he stared skeptically at me.

"Please do not make me say it again."

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