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The tempting smell of coffee woke me from a troubled sleep, and I blinked my eyes open slowly, unwilling to face the reality of yet another day. Several long, miserable, lonely weeks had passed since my arrival, each day as awful as the next. I spent the majority of my time alone, the two men outside, occasionally disappearing on long rides. Keeping house and cooking occupied a good portion of my time, but I had nothing to fall back on when finished.

Hearing footsteps moving around in the main room outside my door I knew I had overslept again. Tyler was making breakfast. Inwardly groaning I sat up and swung my feet out of bed. The cold floor blasted all sleep from me. Swiftly shedding my nightgown, I grabbed for clean clothes hurriedly fumbling with the buttons as I started shivering.

Tugging on my stockings, I hopped on each foot, stuffing them into my shoes before leaving the room. Heading into the kitchen, an apology was ready on my lips, only to die there. It wasn't Tyler standing there, but the Indian, busy frying eggs and thick steaks. Stopping short as he turned, we faced each other. Mistrust was etched into my features; I could feel it as he studied me.

"Tyler is already gone. He said to make sure you got breakfast before I join him." It was the first time he'd spoken directly to me. The tenor of his voice was gentle, but I stiffened automatically.

Nodding without replying, I circled slowly around him toward the cellar. As he turned with a frown, I quickly went down into the cool storeroom for a bottle of milk. Upon coming back up I found the kitchen empty, my breakfast laid out on a plate with a knife and fork set by. Going to the window I was in time to see him swing onto the back of a horse and fly out of the yard at a dead run. Taking my plate to the rocker, I settled down to enjoy a quiet morning alone.

I was sipping my glass of milk when a loud whine and scraping at the door brought me to my feet. Holding my breath, my heart pounding, I listened as insistence on coming inside continued. Edging to the window I peeked outside, wincing to see the wolf at the door. What was it Tyler called him, Puyallup? Wondering what kind of name that was I went to the door, my fingers resting hesitantly on the latch.

Sensing someone was on the other side the wolf stopped scratching and let out a deep moaning cry. Cautiously cracking the door open, we eyed one another carefully. The look on his face was funny, as if he was thinking, 'Hey, I forgot you were here. Am I supposed to like you?' Bracing myself against the door I held his gaze for a long moment, searching those yellow eyes for a clue as to his intentions.

"Here's the situation," it felt silly to talk to an animal, but I knew they understood tones. "I'm here alone, and the last time we met you were most unfriendly. I'd let you in, but I'm having trust issues, I'm sure you understand. Please, go away."

The large animal sat down and cocked his head at me, his ears twitching slightly as if pondering my words. When I finished speaking, he pushed his head forward slightly and mumbled something between a growl and a whine. I just looked at him, and he cocked his head the opposite way grumbling at me again.

"Are you trying to bamboozle me into opening this door just so you can eat me?" My frown was severe. "I can assure you I am not that naïve."

The wolf gently lifted a paw and struck it out toward the door, his nails catching the wood. Leaving it there, he put slight pressure against the door, and I braced my legs. All the while his intense gaze never left mine, and I was beginning to feel slightly ridiculous. I was letting all the cold air in because I was arguing with a wolf. If he was truly dangerous, surely Tyler wouldn't allow him around here, right?

"Okay, here's the deal." Was I really about to do this? "I'll let you in, but you must be on your best behavior. No terrorizing me, no following me around, or licking your lips while looking in my direction. You can lie by the fire or here by the door. Those are the rules, understand?"

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