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We sat by the fire the rest of the day. When daylight began to fade, I pushed to my feet intending to start supper. Kajika stayed by the fire, quiet and respectful. We had barely spoken all afternoon, but I had become more comfortable with his presence here. Seeing me pull out the Dutch oven he came into the kitchen and lifted it from my hands.

For the first time I noticed he wasn't very much taller than me. Slick, thick black hair shone like a raven's wing in the firelight, several small braids along his temples keeping it out of his eyes. Eyes that I had thought to be black were in fact chocolate, with uneven striations of black. His features were leathery, but kind as he gazed at me.

"I will set this up for you."

"You don't need-"

"It is heavy. I will do it." There wasn't really any room for objection, and I didn't know him well enough to argue. My smile was submissive.

"Alright. Thank you."

Gathering all the ingredients needed for coddle, I prepared it quickly, piling it all into a large basket kept next to the pantry. Kajika had set up the Dutch oven over the fire, so I carried the ingredients over. Dropping the rashers in first, I layered the potato, pork sausage, onion, and barley in on top. Sliding a glance toward Kajika, I added a healthy amount of ale before putting the lid down.

"That can just sit alone for a while." I told him. "I'll get some bread started and in the oven. Will you want some coffee with dinner, or something a little stronger?"

"Coffee is fine for me, if that's what you are having."

"I do not really care for the taste of coffee. I thought a little bourbon sounded better. Shall I get you a small glass too?" When I smiled a little his lips twitched ever so slightly in return.

"I would enjoy sharing some with you."

Fetching the decanter, I poured two fingers full into clean cups, then held one out to him. Kajika took it, meeting my eyes.

"Normally people toast when sharing a drink, but," shaking my head a little, I tipped the cup to my lips. "I can't think of anything to celebrate."

"Is there nothing in your life that brings you joy?"

"Not recently." The words tasted sour on my tongue. "Life has been...unkind to me."

"I am sorry for you."

"Please don't pity me,"

"Not pity." Piercing dark eyes made me fidget. "Compassion, sorrow for your grief."

"How do you know of my grief?"

"I can see it in your eyes, written on your face. It is obvious to me, like a cloud in the sky." His gesture made me look up, as if I could see what he referenced. He smiled as I giggled self-consciously. "That is the first time I see you smile."

"I guess it is." Brushing curls from my brow, I swirled the amber liquid in my glass. "I'd forgotten how nice it feels."

"Then, let us share a drink to smiling, and the joy it brings us," he suggested mildly, and I thought he tried not to look cheeky. My lips curled into a grin as we lifted our glasses.

"To smiling, and the joy it brings."

We had two drinks, then I put the bourbon away. Only a fool thinks they can control the alcohol, and Kajika was a stranger I still didn't fully trust. Aside from that, I wasn't sure how Tyler felt about drinking, despite the fact the whiskey was his. The bottle had a layer of dust on it and had been unopened.

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