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Double update Sunday!!!

He came wide awake to shoes on the wooden floor. Molly was moving quietly in the kitchen, and he could tell she was fixing breakfast. Catching a glimpse of her still wearing his clothes tugged a grin across his lips. They were much too big for her; the pants bunched all the way around her waist, long hems rolled up. The belt that held them in place wrapped twice around with some left over.

As unusual as it was, the look on her was fetching. It reminded Tyler of a child imitating an adult and doing a good enough job to fool most folks. The laundry hung dry, but she obviously hadn't wanted to wake him getting it. He found himself semi-glad for it.

Puyallup sat in the entryway between the kitchen and the living room watching her intently but did not cross the threshold. Swinging his feet to the floor Tyler stood and reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head grateful he had left his Levi's on last night. The wolf glanced at him with a grin but didn't move. Molly turned as he was pulling on his boots and their eyes met for a brief instant. Hers were solemn and large, still a little red and puffy from her night.

Looking away Tyler reached for his belt feeling as though he should have done something to comfort her. Her smooth skin was abnormally pale.

"Be back in a minute. Gotta wash up and shave." Without waiting for a response, he was out the door.


I stood for a moment looking after him then turned away. He had seemed almost apologetic, but I could see no reason for it. Still, what did I know of him? I had my own problems, plagued by horrid nightmares that kept me from resting. As much as I did not want to be ogled at, I knew I looked rough, my cares worn on my face and in my eyes.

Mentally shrugging I peeked in on the biscuits and gave the thick gravy a stir to make sure it didn't burn. Cooking was almost mindless now, an easy chore that let my mind drift. Seasoned beef steaks were done, potatoes fried, eggs ready, and the coffee was beginning to boil. When Tyler came back in a short time later with the Indian, the wolf following behind, the table was set. To my surprise both men waited to eat until after I'd said my silent grace.

Instead of getting up once finished, they sat back, savoring a second cup of coffee, seeming unconcerned about getting outside to start the days' work. When I stood to clear the table, I discovered why. Outside the window was a thick new layer of snow covered everything in sight, large, fluffy flakes still falling. Scraping all the extra food onto a single dish I set it on the floor for Puyallup next to a large dish of water. He wasted no time in enjoying his breakfast, his jaws snapping eagerly as he ate.

"Would you like more coffee?" I directed the question to Tyler, but they both nodded.

After refilling their cups, I retreated into the kitchen. Making a fresh pot of coffee, I began mixing dough for supper, my mind beginning to settle into pleasant blankness. A soft sound at my elbow snapped me back to present and I jumped, seeing the Indian right behind me. Our eyes met as I stiffened but he merely inclined his head respectfully.

"Thank you for letting me eat at your table, Missus Tyler. I am grateful."

At a slight loss for words me early training came to my rescue. Forcing a smile, my finger pressed flat to my thighs to prevent them from fidgeting.

"Tyler holds you in his esteem, and you were welcome here long before I was. I am happy you enjoy the food."

For a long moment we held each other's gaze, then he backed away returning to the table. As I looked after him, a slight frown on my face, Tyler shifted slightly to face me. I recognized the look of approval on his features and got the barest hint of a smile before he turned away. My lips twisted into a scowl. Had they been talking about me?

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