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Tyler bellowed with fury when Perkins dealt Molly a hard blow, unable to stop the oath that burst from his lips. He had taken two steps when the rifle barked again, a bullet burning an ugly path across his thigh. Chess sat smugly calm, staring at him from horseback. Whatever else happened, he was going to tear Gaines apart.

"You just stay right there! I got somethin' extra special planned for you." Malicious glee was burning in the man's eyes.

"You better enjoy what time you got left Gaines, cause I'm gonna hunt you. There's nowhere you can run that I won't find you." Tyler snarled. "When I do, I'm gonna cloud up and rain all over you!"

"That would worry me some, ceptin' one of us ain't leavin' this yard alive."

Feeling more than seeing the presence behind him Tyler hit his knees when Perkins slammed the butt of a rifle against the back of his head. In a daze, he saw Gaines swing down from the saddle and stride over, shaking out the length of a thick bull whip. Then he slumped forward, unconscious.

A cold bucket of water thrown in his face brought Tyler back to clarity. He found himself stripped of his shirt; wrists tied to two long posts driven deep into the ground. The poles were just tall enough that his knees were off the ground, leaving most of his weight hanging from his wrists. Trying to move his legs told him his feet were bound. Suddenly understanding put ice in his veins.

He knew what was coming, knew what Gaines planned to do. Unable to escape, he took deep, steadying breaths, preparing himself. He'd seen floggings in his time and knew the damage a bull whip could do to the human body. Footsteps approached, and he braced himself.

"You ain't never gonna forget what you did to me that day Tyler! I'm gonna beat you within an inch of your life, then leave your rotting carcass for scavengers!"

Arguing over details was a waste of time, and he wasn't about to beg Gaines for mercy. It wouldn't be given to him anyway. Taking a deep breath he shouted back, his voice full of contempt and disgust.

"Get to it then!"

The sharp whistle of the leather cord was loud. Ducking his head to protect his face, Tyler grunted in sudden pain as the whip bit deep into the flesh of his back. 'No matter what,' he promised himself, 'I ain't givin' that waste of breath the satisfaction!' Feeling blood trickle down his skin, the pain from the first lash barely fading, Tyler grit his teeth. His body shuddered as the whip cracked down across his back again and again.


I awakened to the pounding of something loud in the yard, and slowly sat up. My head throbbed, vision spinning as I tried to rise. The table was overturned, a chair broken and I remembered vaguely being thrown inside. Trying to get to my feet the world spun, tilting sideways. Dropping back to the floor, I tried not the vomit from pain and dizziness.

Fingering the side of my face made me wince, blood staining my fingers. Crawling slowly into the kitchen I dipped my hand into the bucket of fresh water we kept there, slowly washing my temple. I couldn't stop loud gasps as I cleansed the open wound across my cheek. Vaguely, I recalled hitting something as I was thrown into the cabin.

Scooping more water from the pail to gently splash my face, my nimble fingers explored the huge lump behind my left ear. The pounding outside stopped and I closed my eyes, disappointed it still throbbed inside my head. Needing a drink, I put my mouth to the bucket gulping in enough water to clear my head. Ready to attempt it, using the doorframe to brace myself, I climbed unsteadily to my feet, looking about the room. It made me queasy, but I took halting steps into the living room, looking for one of the rifles, or Tyler's revolver.

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