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Nearly a week later I was at the kitchen range, frying chicken for dinner when Kajika came in through the door. His face was a mask of smiles. I knew something was up as I studied his expression. The Shoshone rarely smiled.

"What is it?"

"It is not my place to say."

Frowning, I finished the batch that was in the oil then pulled the pan off the fire. Wiping my hands across my apron followed his gesture, looking into the yard. Tyler sat atop his new mount, a wide smile on his face. Next to him, standing quietly, was the most beautiful horse I'd ever seen. I went slowly down the steps.

"What's this?"

"Got a filly for you. Cut her right from the herd last week, spent the last five days gentlin' her enough for you to ride." My breath caught, eyes widening.

"For me?" When he nodded yes, I couldn't stop the delighted giggle from leaving my lips. A horse of my own!

"She's a three-year-old, sweetest little lady you could wish to sit a saddle on." He offered. "Come give her a whirl."

"It's been a long time since I've ridden."

"Take a ride with me."

I hesitated for only a split second then laughed, coming forward, my hand out. The filly was bright eyed and curious, extending her head toward me blowing softly through large nostrils. I let her sniff my hand, then reached up to rub her forehead, admiring her beauty. Her ears and forelock were black, part of an irregular shaped patch that swung down to cover her left eye.

She had a long elegant face, with another black patch under her chin, gracefully reaching up to frame both sides of her muzzle. Her neck, mane and withers were solid white, dropping down to both shoulders and extending all the way to the base of her tail. Where her neck muscles met her shoulders was the start of another black patch, and that extended down her middle to past her midway point. Her haunches and tail were also jet black, but all four legs were snow white.

Tyler had her saddled and ready to go, so I moved around to her left side, grabbing hold of the pommel with my left hand. It took some effort to get my left foot up into the stirrup, as she was at least fifteen hands high, and I was not all that tall. He'd not fitted her with a sidesaddle, and I settled my skirts over the leather. The fabric was full enough to bunch up around the saddle horn, falling modestly down both sides of the saddle skirt, draping over the top of the stirrups. My ankles and part of my stockings were exposed. I noticed the Tyler was careful not to look, though my flesh was covered.

Shifting slightly to position the back of my skirt beneath me I took a deep breath. It had been some time since I'd sat this far off the ground. Taking the reins from Tyler, I softly clucked to the filly and gently squeezed my calves. She tossed her head and took a few prancing steps forward, dancing lightly on her feet. A bubbling laugh burst from me, and I leaned forward to throw my arms around her neck. Looking back, I would have done that differently.

She took off as if shot from a canon, flying with the speed of an eagle. Her mane floated in the air, and I could feel the power surging from her muscles as she caught her stride, flattening out. All the training my father had given me came to my rescue, for I kept my seat, maintaining hold on the reins. Tucking my head in under my arm to protect my eyes I let her run. The land was wide open, and as she raced along, her legs pumping steadily, we became one. There was no sound above the pounding of her hooves and the steady drumming of my heartbeat.

I would have let her run for a long stretch, but I thought I heard a faint shout from one side. Slanting a look, I saw Tyler flying up behind us, calling for me to halt. For the first time I felt freedom and was not in the mood to give it up. Softly tugging the reins my filly responded with lightning speed, veering off to make it a run for his money. His shout was lost on the wind.

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