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Kelton looked different than I remembered, busier, louder. Though I hadn't known many people there in my short stay, the number of faces I did not recognize surprised me. Tyler stopped the wagon just outside the General store, tying off the reins before jumping down to come around to my side. Reaching up, he helped me step from the wheel to the ground, his hands lingering on my waist for a moment. As soon as I began to feel the heat of a flush, he pulled away, straightening his coat and hat.

"I got some errands to run if you wanna look around some. If you're hungry have a bite to eat at the hotel. I'll come find you in a while."

"I thought...that is, I'd like to go with you," glancing up I flinched at his look of surprise. "If you don't mind,"

"I got a list for Percy's store, then I gotta get some things from the blacksmith."


Declining his arm, I walked at his side wondering if it was the town that had changed so much, or if it was me. The small bell rang softly as we entered, and I was relieved to see the general store empty but for us. Lionel Percy poked his head out of the back room and his face lit up when he saw me.

"Miss Molly Connolly- well, I suppose I should say Missus Tyler! What a pleasure to see you again! You been well I hope?"

His enthusiasm could not be ignored, and I found myself smiling as I shook hands with him.

"Quite well, thank you. I'm afraid everything happened so fast, I didn't get a chance to tell anyone goodbye." Swallowing nervously, I glanced at Tyler. "This is my husband, Nolan Tyler. Have you met?"

There was a moment of absolute silence. I felt a shudder of curious unease ripple through me. Why was Percy looking at him that way? Then it was over, and the shop owner held out his hand.

"Tyler, yes. It's been a good while since I've seen you in town. How have you been sir?"

"Just dandy Percy, just dandy." I caught a little sarcasm in Tyler's voice, but if Mister Percy heard it, he did not react. "I'm in need of some supplies before the next storm comes. I got the list here."

The storekeeper took the paper, giving it a cursory glance.

"I can fill this now. If you'll come back a little while, I'll have it ready."

Excusing himself Tyler thanked him and left, not waiting to see if I was coming or not. Feeling abandoned, I stared after him for a moment, at a loss with what to do. The air around me had changed, making it hard to breathe, but when I slowly turned to look back at Mister Percy, I forced a smile.

"I never got a chance to thank you Mister Percy, for all your help with Missus Shelby. I truly do appreciate your kindness."

"It was a sad affair. Never mind that Miss...uh, Missus Tyler." He glanced toward the door and lowered his voice a bit. "It isn't my business Ma'am, but you know what you got yourself into, marrying such a man?"

"Well, it, you see, there was no way I..." at a loss for words I stopped talking and Mister Percy smiled gently at me.

"It's none of my affair Ma'am, just, Nolan Tyler's a hard man, and he's not one to take any guff from anyone. With his Indian friend, he's not well received by some people around here."

"What do you mean?" a twinge of trepidation fluttered through me. Now that I knew Kajika more personally, he no longer frightened me but I could imagine how townsfolk might react.

"He's got a reputation, and there are some in these parts that carry a grudge against him. The law is rare here, and plenty of folks make their own kind of justice. Getting mixed up with his kind just, well...just, please, be careful."

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