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Double update, because...well, why not eh?

A soft whine with extremely cold nose yanked me from deep sleep to early morning darkness. Puyallup's nose twitched against my neck, eyes bright. Seeing I was awake he backed up, a yodeling growl urging me to get rise. Bleary eyed, I fumbled for my shawl as I stood, shivering. Shuffling to the door I cracked it open, finding the main room empty.

A large fire was going, but Tyler was nowhere to be seen. His cot was already put away, and the pegs by the door holding his hat and coat were empty. Wondering where he had gone while it was still dark, I went into the kitchen to start breakfast. Puyallup watched intently from the threshold as I made a large bowl of oatmeal, topping it with preserved fruit.

By the time I was done eating, the room was warm, and I felt like something I had not had in quite some time. Peeking from the window showed falling snow, but I knew I could get to the barn and back without mishap. That's where Tyler kept the large tin tub. Getting the Dutch oven set up with snow to melt, I filled every pot I could find to make hot water.

Slipping on my boots I left the cabin with Puyallup frolicking at my side, happily snapping at the ice crystals as they coated his fur. It made me laugh.

The tub was stowed just inside the barn, propped against the wall behind a wheel barrel. It weighed much more than I thought. Determined not to be denied, I struggled back the way I had come, dragging it across the snow. The wolf kept pace; his expression curious as to what I was up to.

A mule skinner would have been red in the face by the time I got the basin up the steps and into the house. Moving the rocker and the chair into a corner, I shoved the tub right next to the fireplace, not wanting to be in the chilly air of my room. When the water from my pots boiled, I dropped them into the tub then refilled them. Repeating this process I finally had a good amount of piping hot water ready. Puyallup stuck his nose over the edge of the tub, before backing warily away. 'That's not right,' was his expression. I laughed, slipping out of my shawl and nightgown.

"You stay out of the bath, sir. I don't want wolf hair on me when I'm trying to get clean."

It was almost too hot, but once I got settled the water became soothing, heat penetrating deep into muscles that had ached for weeks. Sighed as I closed my eyes and soaked in the heat. I missed soap, but at least the water would get the weeks of grime off me, freshening up my skin. Wild curls fell into my eyes, making me smile.

Almost three weeks had gone by since the day we went to Kelton, every day similar to the one that came before. The only difference was Tyler had brought back books from town, so I now had something to read when I wasn't working. He and Kajika were beginning to talk about the spring drive to Fort Bridger, though the weather wouldn't turn for another two months or so.

Dipping below the water to soak my head, I shivered pleasantly as my scalp prickled with the heat. Running my fingers through my hair, I vigorously scrubbed before coming back up for air. A scream burst from me as I clapped eyes on Tyler. He stood frozen, his expression so surprised that he lacked any propriety at all, just staring straight at me from the doorway. I crossed my arms as I sank back into the water.

"Do you mind?" High-pitched, my voice snapped him out of shock.

"Lord Molly," to his credit his gaze instantly shifted. "I mean, what are you...it's the middle of winter."

"I am well aware of the season Mister Nolan Tyler! However, I am having trouble understanding why you are still standing there staring!"

"I just...I-" he never finished his thought but turned and slammed the door shut behind him.

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