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Pulling the sheets off the porch I remade the bed, bringing out Nolan's last clean shirt and a pair of pants for him. He changed in the bunkhouse as I washed and hung his dirty clothes. With nothing more suitable to wear than my camisole and petticoat, I was fairly comfortable. Except for several lingering glances from my husband.

As I predicted Kajika looked right through me, as if he noticed nothing unusual at all. Without meat in the cellar, it was decided that someone would have to go hunting for supper. Kajika had some things he was doing in the bunkhouse, so my husband was elected. At the doorway he paused, staring at me.


"I dunno," his voice was soft. "I kinda figure you to be gone when I get back."

Going to him, I wrapped slim fingers around his hand. A tiny smile curled the edges of my lips. I knew what he was feeling. My other hand lifted, fingertips grazing the corner of his mouth.

"I'll be here when you get back." Catching my wrist, he grinned putting a light kiss against the skin.

"I won't be long."

Nolan brought home venison that I fried into large steaks over the range, making fresh biscuits and gravy. There was just enough jarred fruit to make one pie, and I made up a batch of donuts with the last of the flour. The jug of bourbon was still in the cellar, so I set it out with fresh coffee and cold water. By the time I was done the table was set for a feast. We sat down to enjoy food we had not eaten in many weeks.

Almost as if we had never broken pattern the men waited while I said my grace, then dug in with quiet determination. By the time we finished there was nothing left, and Nolan sat back, a cup of hot coffee in his hands. Kajika and I were sipping at half full cups of bourbon. No one said anything for a long while then Kajika set down his empty cup and stood.

"It is time, Tyler. I wish you success."

Nolan stood and the two shook hands, holding each other's gaze for a long moment.

"Thank you, Brother, for everything."

I got the funny feeling that something big was happening and stood up. Kajika turned to look at me, a faint smile crossing his features.

"Molly Tyler, you are a strong woman, a good wife for my blood brother. It has been an honor to know you."

"Kajika..." I was trying to process what was happening, but without waiting for my response, the Shoshone moved to the door and opened it to the night.

"Nolan?" I glanced worriedly at him. "What's happening? Is he leaving us?"

"He's goin' to rejoin his own people, Molly."

"What? Why now?"

"He's been with me for over five years, ever since I saved his hide, and he stayed long enough to repay his debt." I couldn't read his eyes, or his tone. "We're blood brothers, but he wants to go home."

"Will he come back? Are we going to see him again?"

"Can't rightly say. Perhaps."

"But, Kajika..." I felt myself moving forward, leaving the cabin at a run.

I ignored Nolan's call, sprinting to the corral where the Shoshone was readying his pony. He heard me coming and turned, his dusky features hidden in the late evening light. I stopped, gasping as I realized I had no idea what to say. Kajika just stood waiting quietly for me to say why I had come after him. Looking at him as I moved nearer, I shook my head.

"I never expected you to leave. Somehow I always thought it would be the three of us."

"I must return to my people, Molly."

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