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The loud scream catapulted Tyler from his warm cot, his gun ready in his hand even as sleep still blurred his vision. Another loud cry of terror sent him running for the bedroom. Slamming the door open he found Molly entangled in her sheets, twisting violently. Dropping to her side, he grabbed onto her shoulders, trying to wake her. Struggling harder, she tried to get away from him.

"Molly!" He shook her. "Wake up! Molly!"

"Dell, help me!" it was a piercing call, desperate and terrified. "Dell!"

"It's okay, stop fighting me!" Pulling the sheets free of her he pinned Molly to him, tucking her arms against his chest to protect his face from her nails. Writhing hard, she nearly got free, her shrieks echoing in the room as he grasped at her clawed hands.


"Molly, stop!" Holding her straining arms, he watched a glistening tear track down her cheek. "You're safe!"


"I'm here," forcing her into his arms, he held on tight. "It's alright, Molly. I'm here."

After several minutes she stopped struggling and went limp against him, her body beginning to tremble. Tears began steadily running down her face, her soft sniffles the only sound above her ragged breathing. Lifting Molly in his arms, Tyler carried her into the living room, lying her on the floor so he could fuel the embers that lay glowing. Once the fire was well stocked and burning, he sat next to her, drawing his blanket around them both.

"Dell," it was a plaintive murmur as he stroked her hair.

"Shh, it's alright."

"I'm so sorry Dell, forgive me..." it was whispered among the tears she cried, and Tyler leaned closer. "Please forgive me Dell, please..."

"It's over." He spoke softly into her ear, trying to soothe her grieving, gently rocking her back and forth. "You're safe."

Caught in that semi-lucid state somewhere between wakefulness and dreaming, she answered him. Her features loosened from sorrow to gentle hope, the words on her lips tender.

"Dell? Are you really alive?" Slim fingers curled into the blanket around his arm. "I thought it was my fault, I thought you had died."

"It's over, Molly, don't be afraid. Everything is alright." Feeling intrusive, Tyler frowned at her, wondering if he should attempt to wake her up.

When she shifted suddenly in his arms, leaning deep into his chest, he decided against it. Burying her face in his neck, warm arms circled his shoulders as she finally relaxed. As she began to drop back to sleep, her lips brushed over his flesh, her breath warm.

"Dell I was so frightened...I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

Holding her, his frown deepened as she melted against him, her lithe form settled nearly in his lap. Once she was sleeping quietly, his attention turned to the dull glow of the embers. She had been in love, and somehow or another, he was dead. Probably on the crossing from Virginia she had met the man who swept her young heart away. As Tyler remembered what that felt like a new understanding filled him.

Molly didn't hate him without cause. It was because he was replacing someone else, someone she had hoped to build her life with.

"I'm such a fool," sighing, he wondered what he had gotten them both into.

When at last he moved to take her back to bed Molly tightened her grip around him. A soft moan of protest escaped her lips. Lifting her up, Tyler stood contemplating how to free himself without waking her. A small grin twitched his lips as he thought of a solution. Carrying his wife to bed, he firmly gripped her hands to pull free, tucking the covers in around her shoulders.

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