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Yes...today's the day you think it is!

The hotel restaurant was busy, a large crowd in for lunch the following afternoon. Since we wanted to know right away when Mister Hegwood got his information, Nolan had checked us into the hotel for a couple of days. Our late arrival for breakfast was due to my husband simply refusing to get up, claiming he was much too comfortable to move. Using persuasion, he'd managed to keep me next to him far past the time when my stomach demanded a meal.

Now dressed and ready I was impatient for the food to come. Nolan sat across from me. I felt his knee rub boldly against mine. Looking up, I found his eyes twinkling merrily.

'Stop it!' I mouthed at him.

'Make me.' He mouthed back, giving me a smug grin.

Lunch came in time to save him a severe lashing, and my attention turned to the meal. I could barely restrain myself from wolfing it down. It wasn't often I woke hungry, but since my rescue from Gaines it became nearly habitual. I blamed Nolan, and frequently told him so. The look on his face was more knowing than ashamed, which I found both addictive and irritating.

As we ate, I began to notice Nolan going out of his way to touch my hand, grazing his fingers over my knuckles. Occasionally, wearing an innocent expression, he'd rub his knee against my leg. Determined not to give him the satisfaction of a response, I ignored it. By the time our meal was over, however, I'd had enough. Setting my napkin down I rose, taking his hand in mine.

"Where are we goin'?" He had the nerve to ask.

"You're a smart man, Nolan Tyler, you will figure it out." was my clipped response.

"I get the feelin' I'm in a whole heap of trouble." He mused mournfully.

Reaching our room I opened the door while Nolan arched his brows in mock surprise. I was glad the hall was deserted.

"Why, Missus Tyler, we just left this room!"

"Then you should know your way around." Pushing him through the doorway I stepped in after, locking the door behind us.

A soft knock on the door sometime toward evening made me look up from the small sitting table where I was brushing through my curls. We had just returned from a leisurely stroll around the small town. Nolan rose from his chair and went to the door, cautiously opening it to the small frame of Mister Hegwood. He cleared his throat nervously but my husband stepped aside to let him enter.

"I hope I am not interrupting." He looked back and forth between us. "I have the information you requested." Taking several telegrams from his coat pocket he handed them to Nolan, who waved him to the chair while he read, pacing.

Finished brushing my wild wealth of curls I twisted them lightly into a bun and pinned it at the nape of my neck. As usual, loose strands fell around my face and ears. My gaze was on Nolan who had finished reading and stood looking from the window out onto the busy street below. At last he turned to me and held out the telegrams.

"Read them for yourself, Molly." I didn't like the deliberately blank look on his face, or the quiet control in his eyes.

"Is it bad news?"

"Just read them."

Suddenly cold, I took the papers.



Investment in Baltimore Maryland telephone company doing well STOP Conroy snider Patrick Connolly never invested. STOP All investors on list are making huge profit STOP Making more inquiries STOP Will send as received STOP

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