𝟕. ✭ 𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 ✭

653 81 111

I plop down on the chair next to my brother's hospital bed and look him over, "our parents flew out with your little friend. I suppose friend isn't really the word since mom says he's in love with you." I kick my feet up and put them up on the side of the bed, earning me a glare from a nurse. "It's on the edge and it's not like he's moving." She just shakes her head and leaves the room. "What a bitch." I mumble out, keeping my feet in their propped up position. "Anyway, forget the nurse. She's probably a prude with a giant stick rammed up her ass." That last part I made sure to say rather loudly, hoping said ass-stick-nurse heard. Then for my brother I add, "well, if she's into things being shoved up her ass then I guess she's not really a prude, is she. Nothing like a good DP. I'm sure your baby mama knows all about that." I can practically hear the groan my brother would let out which has me throwing my hands out in surrender. "Anyway, enough about your baby mama's sexual preferences. I digress. I digress. No talking about things going in or out of a woman I've never met." Even though his eyes are closed I can feel Torey's sharp blue glare on me as if his eyes were wide open.

I think back to what my other brother, well, I suppose he's my nephew now, looks like. He looks just like Torey which has me wondering what his mother looks like. She's probably ridiculously good looking considering Torey's usual type. Torey has always tended to be on the shallow side, even if it was unintentionally. Then again, my brother has always thought he was the hottest shit to walk the face of this earth, God's gift to women, so there's that.

Him being inclined toward men was definitely something new and unexpected. The man in question does have this rather rugged look about him and the slight accent reminds me of a cowboy. I guess role play could be fun, not that I think Torey would be up for any Brokeback play. The man is sexy though. So maybe it's a possibility? That's a hard maybe. Plus, the guy is a train wreck of emotional damage if I've ever seen one.

Torey in the emotional department? Yeahhhhh riiiiiight. The man discarded people like it was second nature. Even discarded his family for the past near-seven years.

"You know, I'm still pissed off at you for disappearing on us." Especially after everything with Jamie. I needed my brother, my family, but I'd never tell them that. I just went on a bender and gotten laid a bunch of times. Fuck it. It's not like he can hear me anyway. "You know, Tor, I know you thought me heartless in my twenties but I wasn't. You remember, Jamie? I know I said it wasn't a big deal, our break up, but it was and I was really hurt. I'd fallen in love with him and thought we were going to be taking the next fun step in our relationship, maybe opening it up." I let out a sardonic laugh to myself because the more I talk the stupider I sound. No one just fucks their best friend and ex-lover like it's no big deal. "Anyway, I loved him and I don't think, after that, that I ever want to love anyone else. Love hurts too much." Sex though, sex doesn't hurt. Sex feels good. Speaking of sex. "Oh and I fucked your friend Boston's dad like a whole bunch of times to get back at Jamie. Just thought I'd throw that out there."

"Sounds like this Jamie guy is an asshole." A deep familiar voice has my eyes immediately shooting to the door. I can't see him but I'd definitely heard him.

"You know, eavesdropping isn't polite." Fuck. What had he heard? Did he hear everything? Please let him have not heard everything that just came out of my fucking mouth.

"You do know I'm posted right outside this door, right?"

"No, I did not know that." Because if I had I would've made sure to fucking close it. Time to change the topic. "Heard you were a sex worker." He's dead quiet. "What, tough subject? Not something you really want to talk about?"

"That was a nice try at a goad but I'm sorry, your deflections aren't going to work on me." Dammit. "This Jamie guy—"

"Nope." I cut him off, removing my feet from Torey's bed. "That is a topic that is not even remotely up for discussion." I stand to my feet and lean over my brother before placing a swift kiss to his forehead. I whisper down to him, "thanks for the chat but I'd like to be able to have a real one soon." I stand up and look him over one more time before leaving.

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