𝟒𝟕. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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The condescending superiority plastered all over Brooks' face is enough to make the angered animal inside of me rage. The fact that he's wearing that hint of a smirk, looking me over like he knows exactly what I'm thinking, is driving me nearly mad as well. Brooks can read me better than any other single person and there's a part of me that can't fucking stand it right now.

He rubs his jaw with one of his hands as his gaze flickers up and down, "well, from the look of it, you sure don't seem too sure about it. I'd say that owing bit might be something you're a little more open to than you'd care to admit."

"You don't know what the fuck I look like." A small rumble of a chuckle comes from the back of his throat that would beg to differ. "You don't," I reiterate as I take a step closer, piercing him with my coldest stare, trying to make the flames licking the inside of my body dissipate. He sucks in his bottom lip, brows raising, head angling to the side as if testing the coolness I'm trying to radiate. "Stop. Fucking. Analyzing. Me."

"Well, I can't help it when you're so easy to read. Over here looking like you hate me but also seem to have a whole lot else goin' on." The side of his lip twitches in amusement.

Can he just shut the fuck up already?

"So... what's on your mind, Tor?"

Wrestling you to the ground and making you analyze every last grain of wood on the floor while I have my way with you. The image plays so vividly throughout my mind that I have to shake it out. An entirely new sexual thought process begins to start, one I've never had, one that has Brooks and I doing much more lewd things to one another than stare at each other.

"Care to share what's going on in there?" When he goes to lift his hand to my temple I snatch it aggressively. When I let go, tossing it slightly away from me, he lets out a low, pained hiss. "Jesus, Torey. The fuck was that about?"

"If you can't handle the pain then don't ask for the details," and with that, I step around him to make my way toward the staircase. There's nothing more I want then to rid myself of the extremely foreign, explicit thoughts rummaging around in my brain. Thoughts that have me handling Brooks in a rough and filthy sort of way.

Before I can reach the first step hands shove me hard into the wall beside them. My face smacks against a painting there, breaking the glass with a crack. When I whip around I'm met with a shirtless Brooks. When the fuck did he take that off? I don't have much time to think about that before we're grappling with one another.

"What the fuck, Brooks?"

"If there's anything I can handle— it's pain. You look like you either want to fuck or fight and, since you're so hung up on the former, I figured I'd oblige you with the later." I manage to get a knee to his abdomen which has him blowing out a deep breath before taking him to the floor. He murmurs out a few curse words before trying to get me into a submission.

"I don't fucking think so." I flip us over until we're on our sides, wrapping my arm around his neck. Once I've just about got him into a sleeper hold I whisper, "night night, motherfucker," not expecting the searing pain that tears at my arm. "What the fuck!?" He quickly flips the position around at my stunned response, legs fastening around my middle, arms tightening just like mine had. I pull at his arm with all the force in my body but the way he's constricted around me is tighter than a coiled snake around its' prey. He's got nearly my entire body weight on top of him.

"Submit," the word is said lightly, like he isn't fighting me with all his might, which I know he has to be. "You're about five seconds away from passing out."

"Fuck. You."

"You'd enjoy that too much." When I don't respond he squeezes tighter, so much so that dots begin to sear my vision. I know any second I'm about to pass out, just like he'd said. "Submit." I hear the word but it doesn't register properly. Suddenly the man coiled around me loosens his grip, pushing me away as he does so. "So fuckin' stubborn," he growls as I gasp for breath. "For the record, I handed you your ass just now."

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