𝟔𝟔. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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The phone in my room begins to ring, tearing my attention away from my shitty coping mechanisms on the desk in front of me. I have to blink a few times and then set the papers in my hands down before wordlessly answering.

"Just thought I'd let you know we were successful," my biological father's voice lets me know. "We brought them home, Daniella and your son." My son... "They're safe. Everyone is safe."

I want to ask if a very specific person is safe but I don't. Sentimentalities have gotten me no where.

"Brooks is safe."

I just breathe heavily into the receiver not knowing what he wants me to say, but also letting him know the message has been received.

"We left a present for you back in Albania."

That has my interest peaked.

When I don't give him anything verbally he adds, "We saved them for you, Agelos and Tatyana. Call this number once you're done with your current business with Polat and I'll give you the location. And Torey... please, please be safe."

I hang up the phone at that. Safe. Safe is the last thing I plan on being. The last thing anyone should feel being around me in my current state.

Because I am a bringer of death.

I am vengeance.

- to be continued -

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