𝟔𝟏. ✭ 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 ✭

340 41 76

The doors to the back of the van open after coming to an abrupt stop. I'm met with the darkness of night and the sound of loud music coming from the hotel. Each of us picks up a large tray containing food before standing in line and marching our way inside. I'm thankful for the massive tray because it hides my face. The men here won't recognize anyone else but they will recognize me.

I keep my eyes studiously on Braxton's feet as we cross the threshold to the back entrance where the kitchen is. Each of us sets down our trays and then some of the kitchen staff begin ordering the men around, the ones that are actually here for the catering piece of it, that is.

Braxton meets my eyes and I signal toward the all-access keycards that some of the hotel staff have. We'll need those to use the elevators. Each of us manages to snag our respective card before slinking out a side door.

"Why does it sound like they're celebrating?" Braxton whispers in question in the direction of loud music, toward the hall Tristan and Dani will supposedly be getting married in.

"I don't know much about anything having to do with an Albanian wedding." I give him a shrug. "You're sure you know where your brother is supposed to be, right?"

He gives a sharp nod.

"And you're sure Dani is on the top floor, in the penthouse suite?"

Another nod.

"Alright, you find him. I find her. Be mindful of the cameras just in case."

"Got it." He's off without another word down a hallway on the first floor.

I beeline for the elevator, keeping my gaze studiously on the floor knowing there are probably cameras everywhere. Just like in their hotel back in New York. Luke's tech guru, Shiloh, swore it would be taken care of, a non-issue he'd said. Even still, I'm cautious.

I scan my card and punch the number for the top floor, surprised there's no guards in front of it or inside of it. The doors ding open and I ready myself for guards but there are none. This is off. Something is off. I make my way down to the end of the hallway, make a left and then another left until I'm met with her room. Again, there's no one guarding the door. What the fuck is going on? I pause outside of it, hesitancy building in my belly.

Lifting my card to the scanner I swipe swiftly and enter the room in the same manner. I'm met with no resistance. With a gun in hand I make my way along the wall, peering into the bathroom. There's makeup and hair accessories that would imply that, yes, someone got ready in here. Making my way further down into the main living space I see an empty hanger for, what I'm assuming is, Dani's wedding dress. There's an empty shoe box and a white robe on the lavish sofa.

Braxton's words play in my head again...

"Why does it sound like they are celebrating?"

Fuck. We're too late.

"Dani?" I call out into the space and then shout even louder, "Dani?! Are you in here?" Fuuuuck. Please be in here.

I start manically going from room to room hoping to find her. Because the plan was to sneak them out of their respective rooms before there ever was a ceremony. There's a spiral staircase that leads to an upstairs lounge area according to the blueprints. It's all the way in the back of this enormous room. Once I'm there I take the stairs two at a time. I'm met with nothing when I reach the top.

"Fuck!" I yell out in frustration but immediately shut my mouth when there's a loud banging sound from downstairs.

Quietly, I make it over to the banister and peer over, not being able to see anyone below yet since I'm in the back. There's more stumbling sounds and then there's a moan. One that I recognize. One that I've made happen.

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