𝟑𝟕. ✭ 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐈 ✭

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It's a bit ostentatious, the tear drop diamond that now rests on my ring finger. The amount of money this sign to the world that I officially belong to someone cost is probably equivalent to a small fortune. I can't help but fiddle with it nervously as Tristan begins unpacking his things in my room; our room.

The fact of the matter is, ring or not, engagement or not, marriage or not, I still very much belong to two other men. If ownership were the key factor then one man in particular would claim that title. The minute he finds out what's transpiring between Tristan and I... I can't even begin to fathom the global meltdown that will take place after, if it hasn't already happened.

A ringing noise pulls me out of my thought process of Torey tearing down entire buildings. The sound is coming from one of Tristan's bags. I look to it and then to Tristan who immediately tenses. Now that's curious. He hesitantly goes back to packing, studiously ignoring the ringing from the bag. It stops and then not even a minute later does it pick up again.

"Are you not going to answer that?"

"I'm busy unpacking." The man didn't even have much to unpack to begin with and was nearly done. You'd think he could make time for one phone call especially considering they're calling incessantly.

"It seems like whoever is calling isn't going to stop until you pick up." He ignores me as he moves onto the closet, hanging his suits up next to my dresses one after another, like he hadn't heard me. The ringing picks up again so I meander over to the bag where the sound is coming from. When I begin to unzip it a large hand clamps down over mine. It doesn't necessarily hurt but it is extremely firm.

"Leave it alone, Daniela." Warning laces his tone.

"I find it odd that if any other phone rings you would pick it up in record time but for some reason you are blatantly ignoring this one. It seems rather suspicious to me." A muscle tenses in his neck. "Answer it." He doesn't loosen his hold on me. "Answer it or I will tell my father." He grits his jaw as the phone begins its' melody yet again, letting go of my hand. "Answer it," I reiterate.

Tristan unzips the bag and fishes out the device. He looks it and then swipes the screen with tense features. With a long sigh he answers, "hello?" His eyes widen monumentally which has him walking away from me to the other side of the room. I can't hear what he's saying so I slowly sneak up closer. "Sir, I realize the predicament but he will not let me get near her. I didn't even know she was here." Tristan begins pacing, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I understand but my main priority is Daniela. If I start digging arou—" His brow furrows and mouth drops slightly in mortification before yelling, "Braxton, you did what?! Why— I know, sir." There's more pacing, more frustrated breathing. "I was made aware of the allegation but I know you, sir. I cannot—" He spears a hand through his hair and the way he is standing, the black suit on his body, it all reminds me so much of Torey it makes my heart hurt. "Mr. Warner I—" A sharp whooshing noise sets through my ears that has me not being able to comprehend the rest of Tristan's words.

Mr. Warner... As in Luke Warner?

"Warner? Is that Luke?" I watch Tristan freeze. "Tristan, is that Luke Warner?" Is he working with Torey's family? Hope spreads all throughout my abdomen at the thought. "Tristan!?" I nearly scream and it has him turning around lightning fast, signaling for me to be quiet with a finger to his lips. "Can... I..." He shakes his head at me.

"Yes, she's with me. Sir, I don't know if—" He closes his eyes, running a frustrated hand down his face before walking over to me and handing me the phone. "Make it quick. We do not have much time." I nod to him as I snatch the phone from him. I place it to my ear not knowing what to say.

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