𝟔𝟒. ✭ 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐗𝐓𝐎𝐍 ✭

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I'm super confused at the interaction that just took place between my brother and Malyssa. She just ran up to Tristan calling him Daniela and Torey's kid's name but then said he was dead. I mean, I'm pretty sure her grandson hasn't turned into a grown-ass man that's six-foot-five in the course of several months. She does look really bad though which may have contributed to her losing her mind. My guess is she's concussed. That's a strong possibility.

Tristan brought her to the area where the cots are after catching her from collapsing. Brooks had stomped over, taken Malyssa's lifeless body from the man in a defensive manner, before laying her down and covering her with a blanket. He's protective of her. Part of me wonders if I stay with Adri if I will be the same way over her parents.

Because, no matter what crazy shit Torey says or does, Brooks is in love with him. He still cares for Torey's family as if they are his own. And Brooks over the last few days, fuck, I've never seen a more heartbroken man. Yet he's still here. Still saving Daniela, her and Torey's son. Still helping save my brother; the very man that stole her right out from underneath him. And yet even after being abandoned by Torey, even Daniela, for that matter, he didn't even blink an eye in the direction of not showing up for them. Not even when the man could've lost his life.

Whoever he ends up with should consider themselves the luckiest person on Earth. That kind of loyalty is extremely rare to come by. Yet two people so carelessly let him go.

That last thought has my eyes flickering over to where Daniela is standing next to my brother. She's staring at the floor awkwardly, fingers clutching one wrist, wringing it every now and again. I'm sure that's because she's sobering up too and it's registering to her what Brooks and I had walked in on.

Now I'm glaring at my brother because I'm so fucking irritated with him for his behavior with Daniela. Walking in on the two of them just drunkenly fucking, celebrating, made me feel like he didn't even want to be saved. I know it's because he thinks he's in love with her, and having been made to actually go through with the wedding, meant he had a claim to stake.

Putting a baby in her belly, well, that would really seal the deal. Not just a husband but a father to one of her children. He'd have one-upped not just Brooks but Torey as well.

My brother is anything but stupid, regardless of his stupid decisions. When he wants something he gets it, we're much the same way in that department. He wants Daniela, that much is clear. He's done just about all one could do to tie himself to another person with her.

"You can stop looking at me like that," he snips, meeting my eyes angrily.

"You going to formerly introduce your brother to your wife or what?" The words laced with sarcasm. "Because our first real introduction, well, I don't think that really counts." I give Daniela a pointed look up and down that has her turning away in embarrassment.

Ooo he doesn't like that.

"I'm going to kick your fucking ass," he growls out before launching himself at me. We tussle for a bit, slamming into the van before arms are placed in between us, pushing us apart.

"Knock it off," Brooks' voice is full of seriousness, "Mal needs her rest and with you two being noisy as fuck she's not going to get it. So y'all two quit." When we both relax he lets us go and turns to Daniela with, "you should get some sleep too."

"I can't sleep." The words a mumble from her lips as she looks anywhere but at Brooks directly. Her guilt is palpable.

"Why's that? You have to be dooooog tired after the evening you've had." His tone holds implication and I'm nervous as to where this conversation is headed.

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