𝟐𝟎. ✭ 𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 ✭

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Breakfast? My brother really thought he could make up for his insane behavior by making breakfast? I stomp my way down the hallway thinking about the absurdity of it all. After what I'd witnessed him do the other day it would take a whole lot more than pancakes and toast to make up for that. The man won't even sit down and have a proper conversation with me about everything that's taken place but has no problem going off on a savage fighting spree.

I've never seen anyone fight like that in my entire life. Yes, I've seen Torey train with my father and been to one of many fight nights that my father has hosted but this, this was something else entirely. Torey looked like he was possessed— like he was pure fucking evil. He actually scared me. And I have never been scared of my little brother.

Torey has always been above average in height and size. I was used to that growing up. It made him an amazing defenseman in hockey but he'd never once intimidated me before. Sure, he's always come across as threatening to others but actually fucking scary to me, his sister— not so much. The other day changed all of that for me and it made me truly come to terms with the potential threat we are under. Because if that's what Torey is capable of, even in his current state, and if that's the type of men he's been surrounding himself with, then I truly am terrified.

My brother had gotten mixed up with bad people. My mother had been mixed up with bad people in a past life. I saw my brother lying in the hospital bed a breath away from death. I've been basically kept prisoner in my childhood home... But I had yet to wrap my head around what that fully meant. After watching Torey maul man upon man like he wasn't still recovering, the reality of our situation sunk in like a lead brick. Fear coursed through me like never before and not necessarily just for myself but for my family. What they had knowingly walked into, so to speak.

I'd listened to them prattle on for days about the upcoming trip overseas and how they'd be going to Germany then Albania. They talked about guns and ammo, blah blah blah, etc. I would just zone the fuck out and not really pay attention to any of it. All I had cared about was my hot bodyguard and getting laid before they left. The selfishness of that now seems absolutely fucking absurd.

I stop midway to my room and glare over my shoulder. Thomas is back. I hate having Thomas as a guard but it did make it a lot easier to not think sexy thoughts. His personality was akin to that of a doorstop, one that is partially balding.

"Thomas, would you be a darling and fetch me a coffee and something edible from the kitchen. Preferably something that Torey hasn't absolutely fucking ruined?"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the theater. I am going to mope about all day while eating junk food and watching movies." There's a slight grimace on his face. "What? Does that not seem appealing to you? I would think it does considering I will be too focused on the movie to pester you."

"Let me go grab you something to eat and drink." His attitude much more chipper than usual.

Once he's out of breath I mutter underneath my breath, "a fucking wet blanket, that one." I look down and debate whether to change out of my pajamas and realize there's really no point. It's not like I'm going to be allowed off the property for the foreseeable future. Letting out a deep sigh I make my feet move toward the theater room. I plop myself in a leather recliner and grab the remote once inside. After scrolling for what seems like forever Thomas finally comes in with a semblance of breakfast.

"Your brother insisted on making the coffee and getting you a chocolate chip muffin. He said they're your favorite." He hands them over to me and I take them with a chagrined huff. I sip the coffee and it's perfect. He remembers how I like it. "Is everything good? Or—?"

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