𝟏𝟑. ✭ 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐗𝐓𝐎𝐍 ✭

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Not allowing myself a backward glance at Adriana I follow an irritated-looking Denver out of the room. For some reason the man has always been uneasy around me, not that I'd done anything to deserve that behavior. A few moments ago I may have, if he'd been privy to the exchange between me and Adriana, that is. With an uneasy swallow I enter the office behind him.

"Close the door." I do. "Now," he rounds on me as he stands in front of a desk, leaning on it slightly as he crosses his arms over his chest, "I can't put my finger on it but there is something about you that is not sitting well with me and hasn't since the day you were interviewed." He takes a couple of steps toward me, eyes zeroing in on mine. "Adriana has always had an affinity for pretty things which I know is why Luke hired you— he also likes pretty things. Yes, you're qualified and capable on paper, but Luke knows that she's not going to mind you being her babysitter of sorts. Regardless of what he may say, he knew she would be attracted to you. I expected that but what I didn't expect was the way you look at her."

"Sir, may I speak directly?" He purses his lips but gives me a nod of the head regardless. "Your daughter is extremely beautiful." Not just that. She is out of this world hot. I had seen pictures, been told what to expect, but there was nothing like actually being around Adriana in person. I don't think anything could've prepared me for that. "I've tried to keep my distance as best I can but she's very forward, especially when it comes to..." Sex. I don't say it out loud but I know he knows what I wanted to say. "Let's just say she has no problem saying exactly what is on her mind." She's shameless.

"She comes by that naturally. You say you've tried your best to keep your distance. If it's all Adriana then would you care to share what the both of you were just intimately discussing?" I snap my mouth closed which makes his gaze harden. "That's what I thought." He blows out a long, irritated breath. "You can be attracted to my daughter all you want— that's one thing. But I do not want you fucking my daughter. You are here to do a job and that's not part of the requirements. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." I want to add 'even though your daughter is making it nearly impossible not to want to fuck her'. The mouth on her is filthy and paired with those eyes, that coy smile, that body...


I have pictured Adriana with her mouth around my cock more times than I care to admit since meeting her. Who am I kidding? During my very first encounter with her I was thinking about it. Hearing her touching herself while thinking about me, moaning my name... It just did things to me. She does things to me.

She can't do anything to me. I have a job to do. I have been assigned to Adri. I can't have feelings for her, even sexual ones. She's a job. That's it. A means to an end.

Her thick blonde hair splayed out on a pillow is not something I should be thinking about. My body on top of hers as she moans my name, which is something I can vividly imagine since I've heard it. Her lips on mine and how sweet she would taste is a place I just can't go. Her hands all over me while I— The clearing of a throat has me blinking rapidly, pulling myself away from my thoughts. Denver is standing in front of me, looking me over curiously.

"Should I repeat myself?"

"Uh yes, sir. Sorry sir." I'm already failing miserably and it hasn't even been five minutes.

"I said that's good to hear and you are free to go."

"Right. Sorry."

"Oh and Braxton?"


"Tell Thomas he's dismissed for the day."

"Will do."

𝐕𝐄𝐗𝐄𝐃 ❷Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ