𝟏𝟕. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

591 82 73

The taste of vodka on my lips mixed with cigarette smoke has been my only comfort this past week. It's even more so right now because today is the day they planned on raiding the compound and, according to my current time, they should be done their task. It's midday, our time, which meant it was late at night in Albania and I still haven't gotten a fucking phone call yet.

My hopes are not particularly high considering I know what they're walking into, the shit show that awaits them. My mother though, she had a rather positive outlook, whether that was for my benefit alone or she truly felt that way I don't actually know. Brooks was certain he could get Dani out and there was no doubt in my mind that he meant it. He had the proof. She had been going on scheduled daily runs with a guard like clockwork. It was Wolf that was my biggest concern. If they didn't have Wolf I doubt Dani would come regardless if Brooks got to her. She wouldn't leave him again.

I see her being dragged away from me, my son torn from her arms. It haunts me day in and day out, like a fucking constant nightmare. Her screaming. Our son fighting to get out of Dedaj's arms. Me bleeding all over the fucking place, feeling my soul leave my body. The entirety of it playing over and over again— my complete fucking failure as partner and father. My eyes dance across my abdomen for the millionth time. Ugly red scars are all over it. They're disgusting.

My sister's laugh pulls me out of my self-loathing and I want to roll my fucking eyes right out of my skull. She's flirting with her guard, shamelessly caressing him in her bathing suit, if you could even call what she's wearing a bathing suit. It exposes way too much of my sister's body. Way more than I care to see.

"You know you guys can fuck, right?" Both of them look in my direction. Braxton looks surprised while Adri does not. "Adri, I am not our parents. I could give two shits about who you want to get down and dirty with. But, please, for the love of all that is holy, fuck this guy and be done with it. Your incessant flirtation is driving me up the fucking wall. I wonder if it's as annoying to him as it is to me."

"Oh fuck off, Torey." She jumps into the pool, splashing a bit of water on me. Once she surfaces she adds, "you're just cranky because you haven't been laid in a good while." She sticks her tongue out in a teasing manner.

I blow out a breath of smoke. "Oh yeah, and I wonder why that is, Adri... Maybe because I was fucking stabbed? Maybe because of that? Plus, I don't enjoy hoeing myself around like you do." I mean, that was kind of a lie considering I used to thoroughly enjoy hoeing myself around.

"Not all of us can be in a polyamorous relationship like our parents. Best of both worlds though, am I right?" She has been using every opportunity to bring that up— specifically Brooks.

"Fuuuuuuck ooooooffffffffff." I swing the rest of my drink back feeling a nice buzz setting in. "I told you Brooks and I aren't a thing. I'm with Dani."

"Yeah, and he's with Dani too, right?" I purse my lips at that because she's not wrong. Things are still a bit muddled in the relationship arena. "It's also why you stormed out to the guest house the other night and pounded on his door when you thought he had someone in there with him. Sure sure. Yeah, you're not a thing at alllllll."

I'm about to give her a rather nasty retort when I feel a buzzing in my pocket. Nervous anticipation has me pulling it out automatically, heart beating a million miles a minute when I see my mother's name on the screen. "Please tell me you have good news. Please tell me you have them." I'm met with silence. My heart skips three beats. "Mom. Please. Tell me. You have them." My voice sounds panicked even to my own ears.

"I'm sorry, Torey." I'm on my feet in an instant, not even caring about the subtle searing sensation in my abdomen. "They were all over the mountainside. They were picking us off like flies. There was no way we were even getting close to inside." I grab the empty tumbler glass next to me and launch it across the patio. I had known this was going to be the outcome. I had told them. "Brooks was able to make contact with Dani but..."

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