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What's next in this series? Vengeance! The third novel in the series will be starting shortly!

What's next in this series? Vengeance! The third novel in the series will be starting shortly!

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While writing this book I was going through one of the hardest times in my life. To be honest, I'm still going through it but thankfully not to the extent that I was, which is honestly why I am able to write again. A huge thank you to one of the very best friends a person could ask for, Van_Carley , for her overwhelming support during this time.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
From the bottom of my cold black heart.

Not only is she an amazing friend she's a hell of a writer. Make sure to check her works out!

To my friends who are always there to write with me and support me on this journey AvaLarksen , AvaViolet , and masonfitzzy also THANK YOU! Without all of your constant support the ending of this book wouldn't be a thing. I'm lucky to have such talented and amazing friends.

You all will always have my support and my love.

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