𝟓𝟓. ✭ 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐗𝐓𝐎𝐍 ✭

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After everyone left, Adriana and I are by ourselves, aside from the guard standing outside her door, for the first time since she had thrown around the 'L' word unthinkingly. She's assessing me. I'm assessing her. There's a whole lot of nothing being said but a whole lot of something being thought.

In these moments of quiet contemplation between us my mind is being anything but. No, it's being quite loud, especially after she'd said what she'd said to Torey with the intended target being Luke. Her sentiments about absence related to me leaving make a hell of a lot more sense now. Because she, like me, would seem to have issues surrounding people never coming back again. Well, I suppose, in her case it's people making the choice not to be around, which is also relatable.

"Are you going to tell me why you would tell nearly my entire family that you knocked me up or are you just going to keep staring at me?" Her hands are planted solidly on her hips.

Wishful thinking? No. No. I'm not going there. I can't be a father. I have got way too much on my plate and I would totally suck at it. But I did take the risk with her... And god did it feel good. So, so good.

I look over her body once again and am immediately filled with hunger. An image of her in my arms, on my cock, taking a whole load of my fucking cu—

"Hello, Earth to Braxton." She snaps her fingers in front of my face and it has me blinking away the images. "Jesus, that's a whole crazy story to make up just to get in my pants again."


Her eyes flicker over me in a knowing manner with, "I know that look. I've seen it on your face only about a gajillion times. You want to bend me over something and fuck me silly. Obviously."


"So, you admit it then?"

"To what am I admitting?"

"You caused all the fuss just to get in my pants."

"Would it work if I said yes?"

"No." She crosses her arms over her chest now. "No it would not. And you know, I can stick up for myself with Torey. My brother may be a dick but he's still my brother." After the words leave her mouth she stares off in the direction of the door absently. "At least I think he's still my brother. These days it's like he's a complete stranger."

As if on cue, loud shouting begins outside the bedroom window. It's Torey. He's angry. Exponentially angry. The kind of batshit-crazy-angry that I used to hear rumors about but have now been privy to.

"Fuck sake, what's that kumquat so mad about now? Even if I was pregnant I would think he wouldn't lose his inflated melon of a head over it. Sheesh."

When she goes to take a step in the direction of the window I grab ahold of her, not wanting her to see whatever kind of insanity Torey is on about now with, "listen, you probably don't want to—"

"No," she jerks her arm away from me, "you don't get to tell me anything." With a sigh, I let her go to the window without argument. "Holy shit. I think he's going to shoot Brooks."

That has my feet moving toward her. Because if he's going to shoot Brooks there's only one reason. And with one look out the window, I know that Torey knows about my brother and Daniela. A long winded sigh leaves my mouth in frustration.

"Fuck." I tear myself away from the window not wanting to see or hear any more of their argument. "Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck." I plop myself down on Adriana's bed.

My brother is fucked. He's fucking dead.

"What's wrong?" She surprises me by sitting down next to me. "You're not banging Brooks too, are you?"

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