𝟑𝟓. ✭ 𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 ✭

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With one last glance full of insinuation and intent back at Braxton I set off to my bedroom. It's not the one I'd grown up in but it's definitely one I feel safer in. I don't have to look behind me to know that Braxton is following me. His giant bear-of-a-self stalking me like prey, sends shivers all over my body.

When I reach the door a smirk splays itself all over my face before I slip into the room. Just as I'm about to close the door and lock the man behind me out a giant hand grabs ahold of it. Braxton pushes his way into the room, closing the solid wood behind him with, "I'm done playing games."

"Maybe you are but I'm not, Bear Man." I run a finger down his chest with a coy smile but his eyes are piercing emeralds.

"I said," he flips our positions, slamming me against the door, "I am done." He leans down to my ear and finishes in a growl of a whisper, "I am done with all of your fucking games, Adri." The way he'd said my nickname has gooseflesh covering my skin. "You play too much."

"Maybe I'm just too much for you." A low hum of chuckle, rumbles from his chest as his hand goes to my hip. "What? Do you not disagree?" His fingers inch up the hem of my shirt then dip slightly into my leggings to tease the bone there. My breathing hitches at the sensation and I'm not entirely sure why. I've experienced a lot more in the sensation department than this. "Is that all you've got?" I had gone for a teasing tone but my words were needy more than anything.

"I told you," his tongue runs along the shell of my ear, "no more games. No more pretense." He sucks the lobe into his mouth which has me swallowing in an uncomfortable fashion. "Tell me how bad you want me." When I don't answer him he pulls away from me, eyes searching mine. "Tell me." I shake my head, refusing him. Large arms find their way on either side of my head which has mine pressing flat against the door. Braxton leans down, caging me in and his eyes are a blazing pine forest on fire.

The heat, the intensity of that stare has me feeling flames lick all over my body. Never in my life has someone looked at me quite like this. My breathing accelerates even more. It's like I have no control over my body. I close my eyes to escape those bedroom ones of his. A thumb traces my lips and he doesn't have to ask because I know what he wants. I open my mouth slightly, allowing him entrance. He presses down on my tongue which has me sucking him into my mouth more instinctively.

"That's it." His lips skim my jaw, grazing me with his stubble. My ear fills with the warmth of his breath, "suck it just like that, like you did my dick the other day." My thighs squeeze together with a quiver, want coursing through my body like never before. He pops his thumb out of my mouth then brushes the wetness against my lips. "I have a feeling if I dip my hand inside those leggings I'd be met with lips as wet as these." He most certainly would be. "You know, I think this is the longest I've ever been in a room with you and you've not talked." My eyes fly open at that. "There she is." I glower at him but in return he pinches one of my hardened nipples. The involuntary moan that escapes me is almost embarrassing. "Your body is so responsive and I haven't even gotten you naked yet."

"Yet being the key word," I retort, finally finding my voice again. He arches a brow as he stands up to his full height again. There's nothing playful in the look he's giving me. No, that look is full of lust and, for the first time in a very long time, it has nervousness sinking into the pit of my belly. "Braxton—" His name a trembled whisper off my lips as he removes his shirt and tosses it to the side. My eyes skim over the taught muscles that cover him, the ink that adorns his pectorals.

God, why is he so fucking sexy?

"You might not have one but," he fishes a condom out of his pant's pocket, holding it between the limited space between us. "I made sure to have one on me ever since that day."

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