eighty four

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there is a brief mention of a "higher power"
in the first part of this chapter. In no way am
I preaching anything and it's literally the only
time I'll mention anything like it

Our ride to North Dakota didn't last more than two days. Since Emmett didn't need to sleep at night the way Eli and I did, he drove through the night. We knew our timeline and though we didn't necessarily have to hurry, his right foot glued the gas pedal to the floor as the speedometer hit the maximum speed his Jeep could go. It wasn't a boring ride, nor was it tiring, it was just a ride I'd rather not be taking. As the hours flew by, our road trip was a reminder that we had a fight coming. A fight I hoped we could avoid. But like most things in life, what was coming was inevitable. All I could do was keep my hopes high and pray to every higher power in existence that our family survived in the end.

Because we were fucked and we needed all the help we could get.


"No answer?" I glanced at Emmett before my eyes focused on my phone. I had no new calls or texts and it was irritating me. "Babe I don't think your call is something they're rushing to answer."

"I just don't know why they've changed their minds about us?" I sighed and put my phone in the cupholder. "We were fine, they liked us. How did Irina change all of that?"

"I don't know. We just gotta deal with what we're given." He replied.

"When did you get so wise?" My eyes narrowed at him. He chuckled and reached a hand over to rest it on my thigh. I placed my hand over him and my thumb moved absentmindedly as we continued our drive. Snow flurried around us but it wasn't sticking to the ground. We still had more time. "I just want this to end already. We've gone through so much before this, why do we keep having problems?"

"I want to blame Edward for being a bad omen but I'm partly to blame for some of our problems." Emmett quipped.

"Hmm, I agree." I teased him. His fingers pinched my thigh and I yelped, pushing his hand away from me.

"It didn't even hurt that bad!" He laughed.

"Says the immortal vampire with a very high pain tolerance." I snapped. "I'm so glad my sister is a newborn. I can use her to fight my battles for me."

"Jokes on you babe, Bella's the last person I'm afraid of." He smirked. "But for you, I'll gladly take her on."

"You do know that in this instance she'd be my hero and not you, right?" I quirked an eyebrow at him and his smirk dropped instantly, his mouth forming into a thin line. "That's what I thought." He grew quiet and I twisted in my seat to glance at Eli. He had his silly cup in his hand and his toy truck in the other. His eyes were closed as he napped throughout the drive, his little mouth parted as soft snores came out.

"And we're here," Emmett announced. I looked forward and saw him turn down a dirt road that lead into the woods. The road was shaded by tall trees and at the end of the road stood a two-story brown house. After being accustomed to Carlisle's house and the castle the Volturi resided in, I assumed all vampires lived a glamorous lifestyle but looking at the quaint home and the garden on the side of it, I was proven wrong. It was serene.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now