thirty five

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Silent but deadly.

​​That's the phrase I would have used to describe the car ride to Emily's. Usually, people only use that phrase to describe farts but it fits my current situation perfectly. I'm seated in between two people who have somehow pushed me away. On my left is Jared, who kept glancing from me to the road as he drove. To my right is my sister, who believed her problems were much worse than mine. And behind me sat the boy whose heart I had broken not too long ago. The tension was high, the awkwardness was deadly, and the cab was silent. It truly was silent but deadly.

"Jake should've warned us," Embry commented. The small window behind me slid open and Embry and Jared began to fill the silence. I felt Bella tense but I gave her a hand a small squeeze and she slowly began to relax once again. "But then again he shouldn't have brought his girlfriend with him."

​"It wasn't Bella's presence that upset him." I could feel them staring at me but I kept my gaze on my lap. "Jake bringing Bella got him mad, but having Clary there made it worse. He makes the choices he does so he can keep those close to him safe and well, now he can't do that."

"Because he doesn't want a repeat of what happened to Emily," Embry concluded.

​​"Some secrets shouldn't be kept a secret," I muttered quietly, though I knew they could hear me.

"Maybe those secrets should," Jared replied.

"Not if those secrets cause more harm if they're unknown." I retorted. Jared didn't respond but Embry did.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway. The wolf's out of the bag, literally." He let out a chuckle.

​​​​​"Oh hey, when we get to Emily's, don't stare. It bugs Sam." Jared warned Bella.

"Why would I stare?" Bella mumbled.

"Well like you saw today, hanging with wolves has high risks," Jared began. "And unfortunately, Emily learned that the hard way." I knew this story. Not the version he told but I knew it. She wasn't attacked by a bear, she was clawed by a wolf - Sam. "Your truck is slow." I snorted. It was an unattractive sound but it made Jared laugh.

​​​"Don't bash the truck, she'll insult you to death." I teased my sister. She glared at me but glanced away sheepishly when Jared looked at her.

​​"Sorry." Bella stupidly apologized.

"It's fine. You know, it might just take us a day or two to get to Emily's." Jared joked.

​"Ignore him." I glared at him. Bella nodded at my words and looked out the window. It didn't take us much longer to get to Em's. I was glad that the awkwardness of the car ride was finally over but more was about to come. None with Emily, but lots with the other boy I had yet to confront.

Bella yanked open the door after the truck was parked and I was instantly hit with the heavenly smell of Emily's cooking. I climbed out of the truck quickly and stood at Bella's side. "Remember, don't stare at Em. You'll only anger Sam more." I warned her quietly. She nodded curtly and together, we slowly trekked towards the house. The door was already wide open as Embry and Jared had just barged in a second before us. I climbed the porch steps first and walked inside the house I cherished more than my own.

​"Clary!" Emily exclaimed. I sent her a wide smile and bounded into her open arms. She hugged me tightly, nearly cutting off my air supply.

"Hey Em." I smiled and returned the hug. She released me and she turned toward Bella. Bella stood in the doorway awkwardly and smiled at us.

"So this is the vampire girl." Em joked.

"And you're the wolf girl." Bella teased back. "But wouldn't Clary be a vamp girl too?"

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