seventy four

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𝙈𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩.

That much I knew. I opened my eyes, blinking at the light that blinded me. I looked around and stared at the white walls and medical equipment. I was confused and the only person I could get answers from was the tanned boy sleeping uncomfortably on the chair beside me. I reached my hand out and tapped him on his arm but he didn't flinch. I opened my mouth to say his name but my throat was too dry. I let out a sigh as I moved to sit up, my stomach aching as I did. I put a hand on my stomach and felt my eyes water as I remembered my baby.

I reached out and nudged Jacob one more time, this time hard enough for him to move his limb off of the bed. He snapped awake with a groan as he readjusted his position. His eyes finally glanced my way and he jumped. "Shit!" He stood up and helped me sit up fully, putting a pillow behind my back. "Let me get Carlisle." He left the room and I sagged against the pillow.

Not even a full minute later, Carlisle came strutting in with a kind smile on his face and a cup in his hand. Before he spoke, he handed me the cup and I barely spared a glance at the water before I was chugging it. "It's good to see you awake."

"How long have I been out?" I wiped my mouth and handed him back the empty cup. Placing the cup down on a small table, he took the seat that Jacob had previously been in.

"It's only been a few days." He lost his smile and his expression turned stony. "To put things bluntly, you almost died Clary. The strain of the birth was too much for you to handle and Emmett had to make a decision."

"He bit me."

"He did. But you're still breathing. You're not one of us." Just something else to the list of things I was already confused about. "Your body rejected the venom and you lost consciousness. Just when we thought we lost you, your body started healing itself. We don't know why but I have some theories."

"So I'm what? A superhuman? This doesn't make any sense, Carlisle." He smiled sympathetically and placed a hand on my arm as he continued.

"I know but I'm looking into it. Until I find something, don't stress over it. I know it's impossible not to, but you're here. You're alive. That's all that matters." He smiled as he stood up and he made his way to the wheelchair in the room. "Now, how about we go see someone?"

And suddenly, I remembered everything. My eyes watered and my chest began to hurt as I thought of Bella. "I didn't get to say goodbye," I spoke softly. I felt tears slide down my face and though I tried to force myself to stop, my emotions had other plans.

"Come with me, Clary." His tone left no room for arguing and I nodded, wiping my face. He lifted me in his arms, placing me gently in the wheelchair. He placed one of the thin blankets on my lap, covering my bare legs. He wheeled me out of the room and noticed we were in a section of the house I had never explored.

We didn't go very far before we stopped at a closed door. He gave me a small smile before opening the door and letting it swing open. I gasped at the sight before me. My hands covered my mouth as my breath got shaky the further he wheeled me into the room. It wasn't until we were at her bedside that I looked up at him.

He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder before explaining. "She's in transition."

"She's not like me?" I asked, another subject to confuse me.

"As far as we could see, no. She was only human. Now she's transitioning into a vampire." He gave my shoulder a small squeeze before letting go. "She survived the birth but Renesmee bit her, causing her to turn. We tried to stop it but there was nothing we could do. So when Emmett bit you and we discovered your uniqueness, we had hoped the same thing would happen for Bella, but that wasn't the case."

"She'll be getting what she always wanted." I sighed. "All that matters is that she's still here. How much longer will she be out?"

"I'm not sure. The venom is taking over but she shows no signs of waking yet. I've been checking her daily but there's been no progress." I reached out and stroked her hand, immediately feeling the chill, her usual warmth gone. "Would you like a minute alone with her?"

"No. It's too weird seeing her like this." He wheeled me out of the room and back to the room I was originally in.

"I'm going to have you rest here, I've got a surprise for you." He helped me onto the bed and then left the room. I got comfortable against the pillows as I waited for him to come back. My hands rested on my flat stomach, guilt overtaking me as I felt selfish for not thinking of Eli until now. I have a son and the only thing to cross my mind is my sister. As if she heard me and was granting my wish, Alice came in with a little blue bundle in her arms. She beamed at me and handed the baby over to me, my eyes watering as I cradled Eli in my arms.

"Oh, you're so cute." I cooed at him. His little eyes opened and hazel eyes blinked up at me. "I love you so much." I snuggled him closer to me and kissed his forehead gently. "He looks good." I smiled at Alice.

"He looks like you." She responded. "And before you even try to say thank you, you're very welcome." She sat in the chair beside the bed and looked at my pajamas. "I'll get you fresh clothes in a bit. But for now, I'm here to answer some questions you probably have." I nodded and she continued, "Eli as far we know is half vampire and half whatever you are. Unlike Renesmee, he seems to be like any ordinary human baby. A nurse from the hospital has been giving us supplies of breast milk for him, so later Esme will show you how to breastfeed. So his diet is normal. Our only concern was he refused to sleep. We tried everything that first night but Esme figured out what was wrong."

"What is it?"

"He only wants to sleep if he's next to you. So when he's ready to nap, Emmett comes in and lays him on your chest. Being with you calmed him down." I let out a light laugh and smiled down at Eli, the tiny person I helped create.

"Where's Emmett?"

"He and the guys went hunting. Edward was going stir crazy so they forced him out for a day. He'll be back tonight and then you three can be reunited again." She giggled.

"How is he?" She seemed to understand what I was hinting at.

"He's stepped up. He's taken the role of a father very seriously and he hasn't left that little boy's side until today. He proved us all wrong. You should be proud."

"I always am," I assured her. "We're all together and a little family. All we have to do is wait for Bella to wake up and then everything will be right in the world." We shared a smile. Despite what was happening with Bella or even the wolf pack, things were finally starting to feel good again.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now