eighty seven

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The drive to Sam's didn't last long. Though it felt like it did. With Jacob switching the stations every couple of seconds and Eli's constant "are we there yet", I felt like I aged five years. So when we parked in front of Sam's house, I didn't hesitate to get out of the car and glared at Jacob. "You're finding your ride back." He smirked and raised his hands.

"Sure, sure." He dismissed my threat. He glanced behind him before turning back to me. "You get the kid and I'll go warn them."

"Thanks," I muttered. I opened the back door and Eli was already unbuckled and waiting for me. "I need to stop letting you do that." He just smiled cheekily at me and raised his arms. "Come on." I settled him on my hip and I closed the door, hitting the key fob to lock it. "Okay, so we're going to meet some of mommy's friends. I need you to be on your best behavior, okay?"

"Okay, mama." He nodded. He held his little fist out and I fist bumped him as we climbed the porch steps. The door was already wide open so I swallowed my nerves and walked in. They all sat around the table. The boys I remembered was sitting while the newest recruits stood behind them.

"Hey, guys." I smiled awkwardly. "Miss me?"

"More than you know Clary." Emily didn't waste a second. Her hug felt warm, it felt long overdue. "I missed you so much." She pulled away and I saw her eyes water with tears. "Is this Eli?" I nodded and she awed over him. "He's so big! Is that normal?" She whispered that last part to me.

"I think so." I giggled. "Eli, this is Emily." He waved his hand around and smiled widely at her.

"Hi, I'm Eli!" Emily cooed and shook his little hand that he extended to her.

"He's so cute!" She gushed. "Sam, come here!" He stood up from his seat and my nerves grew the closer he got to us. "Eli, this is Sam."

"Hi, I'm Eli!" He repeated. Sam shook his hand and Emily and I exchanged knowing looks.

"Come on Eli. Let's give your Mom a chance to talk to Sam." Jacob took Eli from me and I watched as he carried him over to the table. I looked up at the tall man before me and he sent me a small smile.

"Hi, Sam," I spoke softly. I looked at him awkwardly as I debated between hugging him or high-fiving him but he chose for me. His large arms wrapped around me and I didn't hesitate to hug him back. "I missed you, Sammy."

"Missed you too Clare-bear." He mumbled. "Took you long enough to come by." He chuckled as we pulled apart.

"I don't know if you heard but I've been busy." I joked.

"So your baby isn't a baby anymore? Want to explain that?"

"Yeah Clary, what's up with your kid being so big already?" Jared piped in. He let out a yelp and I quirked an eyebrow when I saw Paul put his hand down. He smirked at me and sent a nod my way, signaling we were okay.

"He was a baby, the size of a newborn. A couple of weeks later, he grew into a toddler overnight. He's still technically a few months old though." I sat down and I didn't flinch as I felt Eli's weight settle in my lap. "Oh and he's got a few tricks up his sleeve."

"What the- Did he just-?" Jared stammered.

"He's half human half vampire. He sleeps and eats like a human kid but he's the speed of a vamp. Oh and he's got healing powers too." I explained as nonchalantly as I could.

"You could've led with that!" He gained an echo of agreement from the other guys before settling down with a swift glare from Sam. "Is there anything else we should know?"

"Did I also mention I'm getting married?" Another uproar ensued and it felt like old times. They were a welcomed distraction from everything going on. A distraction I needed. Especially with the new information, my sister was discovering back home.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now